Currency API Doc
This API run on Docker.
- Docker Image
- Postman Collection Here
- Swagger YAML Here
Requirement and Dependencies
- Docker
Start API
- The following command runs PostgreSQL, Redis, and API on Docker.
make start
Stop API
- The following command stops PostgreSQL, Redis, and API on Docker.
make stop
Flow of Currency Converting
In the following section you see how to use apis.
- Register user
- Login user
- Create wallet of currencies
- Get offer for converting
- Accept offer
API Requests
You can find Postman Collection as a JSON and also Swagger yaml file in the repository.
- Requests accept a JSON body and return a JSON structure with "status", "message", and "data".
- "status" is a boolean outcome of the process.
- "message" gives two distinct types of results. The string "success" is returned if the result is successful; otherwise, an error message is given.
- "data" is result of requests. If the result is successful, the required data is returned; otherwise, it returns
{ "status" : <BOOLEAN>, "message": <STRING>, "data" : <ANY_TYPE> }
User APIs
- Register [POST]
- This endpoint enables user registration with the system.
- Sample Body
{ "username": <STRING>, "password": <STRING> }
- This endpoint enables user registration with the system.
- Login [POST]
- This endpoint is utilized for user authentication. This endpoint accepts the username and password credentials in that body.
- If the request is successful, the response contains a jwt token.
- Sample Body
{ "username": <STRING>, "password": <STRING> }
Currency APIs
Note: User must use JWT token in header.
Read Currency List [GET]
- This endpoint provides currency list.
- Sample Response
{ "status": true, "message": "success", "data": [ "TRY", "EURO", "USD" ] }
- This endpoint provides currency list.
Read Currency List [GET]
- This endpoint provides rate of currencies.
- Sample Response
{ "status": true, "message": "success", "data": { "EURO-TRY": 19.63, "EURO-USD": 1.05, "TRY-EURO": 0.051, "TRY-USD": 0.054, "USD-EURO": 0.95, "USD-TRY": 18.55 } }
- This endpoint provides rate of currencies.
Wallet APIs
Note: User must use JWT token in header.
- Create Wallet [POST]
- With this endpoint User can create new wallet. The currency parameter must be string type and one of then currency
list. 1000 balance units are added to the newly constructed wallet.
- Sample Body
{ "currency":<STRING> }
- Sample Response
{ "status": true, "message": "success", "data": { "ID": 1, "Currency": "TRY", "Balance": 1000, "Transaction": null } }
- With this endpoint User can create new wallet. The currency parameter must be string type and one of then currency
list. 1000 balance units are added to the newly constructed wallet.
- Read All Wallets [GET]
- User can see own wallets.
- Sample Response
{ "status": true, "message": "success", "data": [ { "ID": 1, "Currency": "TRY", "Balance": 1000, "Transaction": null }, { "ID": 2, "Currency": "USD", "Balance": 1000, "Transaction": null } ] }
- Read Wallet [GET]
- User can see own wallet by wallet id. If the user has converted foreign currency before, user can see the
transactions history of this wallet.
- Sample Response
{ "status": true, "message": "success", "data": { "ID": 1, "Currency": "TRY", "Balance": 814.8148, "Transaction": [ { "ID": 1, "CreatedAt": "2022-12-04T18:51:42.428025Z", "UpdatedAt": "2022-12-04T18:51:42.428025Z", "DeletedAt": null, "FromCurrency": "TRY", "FromAmount": -185.1851, "FromWalletID": 1, "ToCurrency": "USD", "ToAmount": 10, "ToWalletID": 2, "Rate": 0.054, "UserID": 1 } ] } }
- User can see own wallet by wallet id. If the user has converted foreign currency before, user can see the
transactions history of this wallet.
- User can see own wallets.
Offer APIs
Note: User must use JWT token in header.
- Create Offer [GET]
- User can start currency convert session using this api. User must select currencies and request returns currency rate, expire and offerID.
- rate shows the current exchange rate.
- expire is a time and this time indicates when the offer will expire. Offer expires 3 minutes after creation.
- Sample Body : User wants give TRY and take USD.
{ "fromCurrency":"TRY", "toCurrency":"USD" }
- Sample Response
{ "status": true, "message": "success", "data": { "expire": 1670180074, "offerId": "c1448c56-f33c-48c3-b6e6-a7c9f95efae7", "rate": 0.054 } }
- Accept Offer [GET]
- User can accept offer using this api. User must enter offerId and amount.
- Sample Body : User created offer and wants take USD. In the following body user entered 10 USD as a amount.
{ "offerId":"c1448c56-f33c-48c3-b6e6-a7c9f95efae7", "amount":10 }
- Sample Response
{ "status": true, "message": "success", "data": { "ID": 1, "CreatedAt": "2022-12-04T18:51:42.428025888Z", "UpdatedAt": "2022-12-04T18:51:42.428025888Z", "DeletedAt": null, "FromCurrency": "TRY", "FromAmount": -185.1851851851852, "FromWalletID": 1, "ToCurrency": "USD", "ToAmount": 10, "ToWalletID": 2, "Rate": 0.054, "UserID": 1 } }
- Sample Body : User created offer and wants take USD. In the following body user entered 10 USD as a amount.
- User can accept offer using this api. User must enter offerId and amount.