
Primary LanguageAPI Blueprint


An API that mocks our api services

Installation and use

This repository is meant to be run within the podium-local application environment. It contains a local-init setup script (see this README section for more information on how this works) that handles installing node modules, spinning up docker-compose containers, and setting up a local aggregate database in the shared Podium PostgreSQL database container.

To update npm packages we should ensure that we run our installs through our docker container.

docker-compose run mock-api npm install


Testing for this repo uses a combination of Mocha, Sinon, and Chai.

Docker-based testing

Running tests within the docker container is the recommended way to test this repository's code. It helps ensure that parity with assets built by CI tools is maintained.

To run the tests within the service's container, you can use the command:

docker-compose run mock-api npm test


Configuration for this application uses a combination of configuration files and environment variables. A sample configuration file (config/config.example.js) is provided and will be used as a template when no user-defined configuration file (config/config.js) is found.

NOTE: When running the application in a Docker container locally with docker-compose, no user-defined configuration file should be necessary.

Available configuration variables

Name Description Default Value Required
MOCK_API_BACKEND_NAME The name of the application Series Generator Backend no
MOCK_API_BACKEND_ENV The environment the application is running in development no
MOCK_API_BACKEND_PORT The port that the application accepts requests on 3141 no
MOCK_API_BACKEND_RELEASE_VERSION The current release of the application none no
MOCK_API_BACKEND_MAX_REQUEST_BODY The maximum request body size '5mb' no