Experiment and integrate with different OCR frameworks seamlessly
Jupyter NotebookApache-2.0
- 0xliewsc
- Aj-IshacCV/ML Engineer @ VSBLTY Inc.
- alexulm66
- alexwine36
- BalajiRamachandranhttp://www.bramkas.com
- baudneodAIngerous Consulting
- boonepSoleer LLC
- cih-y2k
- Curiosity007
- ddorian
- DenDen047University of Cape Town
- gumikolaWroclaw
- hdvrai
- hfadhloun
- Incrementing-coder@phamax
- JediJoni
- JKaique01
- LucianoBatistaStudos / ArcoTech
- Migue8glUniversity of Granada
- mllife
- mrauha
- msconfig
- munisp
- nahkhsinad
- OsirisXTLSCape Town, South Africa
- PyroSama07
- redareadyAix en provence, France <-> Tokyo, Japan
- reubano@nerevu
- rowntreerobsan francisco, ca.
- sleepingcat4Donders Institute of Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
- sugatorayTruist
- tanguy-launay
- tomhata
- turnerd18
- yuto-came
- YvanKOB