Algorithm Challenges

Gettings Started

To work on an algorithm challenge first create a new file to build out the function / method depending on whether you're using Javascript or Ruby. You can also utilize a repl if you so desire:

You can assume every algorithm will tell you what its function / method takes as an argument and also tells you what that function / method needs to return.


It's best to work on these problems with a pair programming partner. Ideally, first use pseudo-code to plan out the different steps you'll need to take in order to return the proper value. For example:

def is_palindrome(string)
  # downcase all letters
  # remove spaces
  # check to see if string is the same as its reverse

From there, start filling the psuedocode out with real code:

def is_palindrome(string)
  # remove spaces
  # check to see if string is the same as its reverse

Once you've got a completed function / method, begin testing the code with different input examples to see if your input matches the examples:

is_palindrome("Nurses run") --> true

Also be sure to try things outside of the examples!


If something isn't working, be sure to check your assumptions. Print out or return the values your getting one at a time to make sure they align with what you're expecting:

def is_palindrome(string)
  puts string

is_palindrome("SOMETHING") --> "SOMETHING"

It can also help to open up a node or irb session and run the commands one at a time to build the function / method one line at a time. To open up a session in the terminal, type irb or node into the console and press enter.

If something isn't returning what you expect, be sure to do a search on the internet for why! Every bug is a learning opportunity!