
Codebase for a timelapse project that I am working on

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A building near my apartment is being build. This is an attempt at documenting the progress. This app will take a picture every 15 minutes monday-friday until the building is completed, or until I move, whichever comes first.

Pre Requisites

Some of these items can we swapped with others, just as some of the libraries can be swapped for other libraries. The below is what I'm using.


Raspberry Pi Rapsberry Pi Camera Board v2 - 8 Megapixels SSD with raspbian loaded Charger Internet connection Tripod (currently using a BESTEK Cell Phone Clip Holder Stand Gooseneck Clip Clamp Mount)


Python Drop Box Uploader for Saving Images Webserver

Project Directory Structure

Main Pi Stuff


Site - TBD
