Deployment of a HA (a-p) FortiGate-VMs (BYOL/PAYG) on the AWS with AWS Transit Gateway Connect integration


A Terraform script to deploy a HA (a-p) FortiGate-VMs on AWS with Transit Gateway Connect. It will create GRE tunnel with the Transit Gateway Connect attachment.


  • Terraform >= 1.0.0
  • Terraform Provider AWS >= 4.65.0
  • FOS Version >= 7.0

Deployment overview

Terraform deploys the following components:

  • 3 AWS VPCs
    • Customer VPC with 1 app subnet
      • 1 Internet Gateway
      • 1 Route table with app subnet association, and default route with target to Transit Gateway.
    • Customer VPC with 1 app subnet
      • 1 Internet Gateway
      • 1 Route table with app subnet association, and default route with target to Transit Gateway.
    • FGT VPC with 1 public, 1 private, 1 gwlb, and 1 transit gateway subnet in one AZ. And, have two different AZs.
      • 1 Internet Gateway
      • 1 Route table with private subnet association.
      • 1 Route table with public subnet association, 1 default route with target to Internet Gateway.
      • 1 Route table with transit gateway subnet association.
  • Two FortiGate-VM instances with 3 NICs : port1 on public subnet, port2 on private subnet, and port3 on hasync/hamgmt subnet. Each FortiGate in each AZ. - A GRE interface will be created to connect with the Transit Gateway connect. Each FortiGate will be connect as peers in the Transit Gateway Connect. - Two FortiGate-VM instances will be forming a-p HA.
  • Two Network Security Group rules: one for external, one for internal.
  • One Transit Gateway - Connect attachment to FGT VPC. - VPC attachment to FGT VPC(fgt transit subnet az1, az2). - VPC attachment to Customer VPC(cs app subnet az1). - VPC attachment to Customer2 VPC(cs2 app subnet az1).

Topology overview

  • Customer VPC (
    • cs app subnet az1 (
  • Customer 2 VPC (
    • cs2 app subnet az1 (
  • FortiGate Security VPC (
    • fgt public subnet az1 (
    • fgt private subnet az1 (
    • fgt transit subnet az1 (
    • fgt haysnc/hamgmt subnet az1 (
    • fgt public subnet az2 (
    • fgt private subnet az2 (
    • fgt transit subnet az2 (
    • fgt haysnc/hamgmt subnet az2 (

Two FortiGate VM instances are deployed in Security VPC. Server(s) deployed in the app subnet in the Customer VPC and Customer 2 VPC.

  • Ingress traffic to the Server(s) located in the App subnet in Customer VPC/Customer 2 VPC will be routed to FGT in the security VPC.
  • Egress traffic(North/South) from the Server(s) located in the App subnet in Customer VPC/Customer 2 VPC will be routed to Transit Gateway, then through Connect, and redirect to FortiGate-VM's gre interface and send back out to port1.
  • East/West traffic between each Customer VPC will be routed to the transit gateway, and then through Connect. Then redirected to FortiGate-VM's GRE interface, and then back out the GRE interface, then to the destinated VPC.



To deploy the FortiGate-VM instances to AWS:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Customize variables in the terraform.tfvars.example and file as needed. And rename terraform.tfvars.example to terraform.tfvars.


In the license_format variable, there are two different choices.
Either token or file. Token is FortiFlex token, and file is FortiGate-VM license file.

  1. Initialize the providers and modules:
    $ cd XXXXX
    $ terraform init
  2. Submit the Terraform plan:
    $ terraform plan
  3. Verify output.
  4. Confirm and apply the plan:
    $ terraform apply
  5. If output is satisfactory, type yes.

Output will include the information necessary to log in to the FortiGate-VM instances:


Customer2VPC = "<Customer 2 VPC>"
CustomerVPC = "<Customer 1 VPC>"
FGT-Password = "<FGT Password>"
FGTClusterPublicFQDN = "<FGT Cluster FQDN>"
FGTPrimaryIP = "<FGT Primary Public IP>"
FGTPublicIP = "<FGT Cluster Public IP>"
FGTSecondaryIP = "<FGT Secondary Public IP>"
FGTVPC = "<FGT Security VPC>"
TransitGwy = "<Transit Gateway ID>"
Username = "<FGT Username>"

Destroy the instance

To destroy the instance, use the command:

$ terraform destroy


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