
lab-assignment-hanyonghe created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguagePHP

Vagrant Demo

This demo build a basic Ubuntu LAMP stack virtual machine using the following software versions:

  • Apache 2.4
  • MySQL 5.7
  • PHP 5.6


By using Vagrant, Virtualbox, and Git, each student gets:

  • A portfolio of their achievements while studying software development.
  • Self-service environment provisioning. No waiting on IT support.
  • An environment devoid of side effects caused by other students
  • A simplified, uniformed troubleshooting experience:
    • The username is always vagrant
    • The testing URL is always http://localhost:8080
    • Students have complete access to their testing machine, meaning they can read server logs, experiment with the system software, or do whatever they want.


Some software must be installed prior to building an environment:

Here is a list of suggested IDEs for developing:

Quick Start

git clone https://github.com/ivytech-infrastructure/vagrant-demo.git
cd vagrant-demo
vagrant up

Once the machine has finished building you can connect using the following command:

vagrant ssh 

Note: The above vagrant up command will trigger Vagrant to download the ubuntu/bionic box via the specified URL. Vagrant only does this if it detects that the box doesn't already exist on your system.

Getting Started Guide

First you will need to register an account on GitHub. Once you have registered an account, you will need to configure git.

git config --global user.name "firstName lastName"
git config --global user.email "username@ivytech.edu"

Once you have registered on GitHub you will need to fork the repository.

After you have forked the repository, you will need to clone the repository.

git clone https://github.com/ivytech-infrastructure/vagrant-demo.git

Configure your directory to synchronize to the machine by editing the Vagrantfile and adding the following:

config.vm.synched_folder "<folder_name>", "/var/www/html/<folder_name>"

Once the repository has been cloned locally to your machine you can build the machine

vagrant up

Once the machine is finished building you can connect using the following command:

vagrant ssh


Bugs in the demo? Students can feel free to submit pull requests for peer review.



If you have any issues with Git or learning how to use Git, head over to https://help.github.com/.


If you want to learn more about Vagrant or configure your Vagrant box, head over to https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/index.html


If you are experiencing any issues with Virtualbox, head over to https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Documentation