
An API for tophonetics.com to convert English to IPA using Flask.

Primary LanguagePython

tophonetics.com API

Update: This is broken. I will not be maintaining this

The replit is using eng-to-ipa instead.

An API for tophonetics.com using Flask. It basically just sends a request to tophonetics.com, then formats the HTML response into plain text IPA. Thus, it is possible that it could fail if they reformat their website. Also, it can take up to 3 seconds for the IPA to load.

An instance is currently running on https://tophonetics-api.ajlee.repl.co/api.


Python (requests)

import requests
english = "hello"
british_english_ipa = requests.get("https://tophonetics-api.ajlee.repl.co/api", data={"text": english}).text
american_english_ipa = requests.get("https://tophonetics-api.ajlee.repl.co/api", data={"text": english, "dialect": "am"}).text

In the URL

Visit https://tophonetics-api.ajlee.repl.co/api?text=[text] in the browser to get the IPA in plain text. You can also add "&dialect=am" after if you want American English (British English is the default).

Characters returned

The following characters are used in the IPA returned:

Consonants: bdfhjklmnprstvwxzðŋɡʃʒʤʧθ
Vowels: aeiouæɑɒɔəɛɜɪʊʌ
Other: *ˈˌː


I posted a comment on tophonetics.com sharing this, and they replied: "We do not encourage this as it is open to abuse and, yes, it will hit the wall eventually, but good job". I suppose this shows that it is allowed and legal though they don't encourage it.