Simple Genetic Algorithm base framework, supporting population, evaluation, mutators, crossover and next generation.
Via npm on Node:
npm install simplega
Reference in your program:
var simplega = require('simplega');
git clone git://
cd SimpleGA
npm install
npm test
Travelling Saleman Problem console program.
- A Genetic Algorithm Tutorial
- Genetic Algorithms in Plain English
- Genetic Algorithm Essentials - Oliver Kramer (2017, Springer)
- Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs, Zbigniew Michalewicz (1998, Springer)
- Representations for Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms - Franz Rothlauf (2006, Springer)
- An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms - Melanie Mitchell (1998, Springer-Verlag)
- Samples
- Distributed Sample
Feel free to file issues and submit pull requests — contributions are welcome.
If you submit a pull request, please be sure to add or update corresponding
test cases, and ensure that npm test
continues to pass.
(Thanks to JSON5 by aseemk. This file is based on that project