
Tetris for REPAIR experiment

Primary LanguageJavaScript


# needs yarn https://yarnpkg.com/en/
yarn install
mv node_modules static/

# server is Python 2.7.x (I know, I know...)
virtualenv env
// virtualenv env --python=python2.7
source env/bin/activate
pip install flask
python server.py

# web page is served through server.py
# go to localhost:5000

# interaction data is stored in (json object per line)

pre-experiment text/questions missing
post-experiment text/questions missing

experiment timeout is a variable called "gameDuration" in static/tetris.js
maximum game speed is a variable called "maxSpeed" in static/tetris.js
    - this is confusing because 1 is the fastest and maxSpeed is the slowest(!)

do people do one experiment or several?
    - add participant ID to pre-experiment questions?


# original repo