Packages to get your next project up and running.
Based on the commit styleguide by SlashBin, with some additions / refinements SlashsBin Styleguide
- (P) Add other stubs - webpack,
- (P) Extract family.scss mixins to indv files
- (M) Upgrade to Laravel Mix 4.0
- (M) Add script for starting projects
Follow the guidelines listed at Sass Guidelines and CSS Guidelines.
All Git Commit Messages MUST meet with this Text Format:
:emoji1: :emoji2: Subject
(Only One NewLine)
Message Body
(Only One NewLine)
Ref <###>
- Capitalize the Subject.
- Do not end the Subject line with a period.
- Message Subject SHOULD Begin with at-least One Emoji(see below for list of Suggested Emojis).
- Message Body SHOULD End with at-least One Issue Tracking ID Reference(GitHub Issues/JIRA Ticket Number), Ex.
Issue #27
orRef T27, JIRA-##
orFixes T8
. It's also recommanded to use Full URL to Issues, instead of just Issue ID Number; Doing so will ease browsing issues from terminal. - Total Characters of the Subject Line MUST be Less than or Equal to 50 Chars Long.
- Wrap the Message body at 72 characters.
- Use Valid MarkDown format in Message Body.
- Use the Present Tense ("Add feature" not "Added feature").
- Use the Imperative Mood ("Move cursor to..." not "Moves cursor to...").
- Use the Message body to explain what and why vs. how.
- All WIP(Work In Progress) Commits MUST have the WIP Emoji(see below).
- Refrencing Issues by using special keywords like
will mark them as closed automatically! For more information about automatic issue closing using ketwords see: GitHub - There is a Space Character between Multiple Emojis!.
- There is NO New-Line After the Task ID Reference Line.
- Every Raw Emoji Text(
) is Counted as One Char!.
Emoji | Raw Emoji Code | Description |
🎉 | :tada: |
Initial Commit |
💎 | :gem: |
New Release |
🔖 | :bookmark: |
Version Tags |
📦 | :package: |
when adding new packages |
🎀 | :ribbon: |
when dealing with Yarn / NPM pkgs |
🎼 | :musical_score: |
when dealing with Composer pkgs |
⬆️ | :arrow_up: |
when upgrading dependencies / packages |
⬇️ | :arrow_down: |
when downgrading dependencies / packages |
📄 | :page_facing_up: |
when creating a new file |
📖 | :book: |
when writing docs |
🏷️ | :label: |
when writing comments |
🎨 | :art: |
when improving the format/structure of the code |
🚜 🚚 | :tractor: :truck: |
when change file structure. Usually together with 🎨 |
🚄 | :bullettrain_side: |
when adding / modifying the api |
🔨 | :hammer: |
when refactoring code |
🗑️ | :wastebasket: |
when removing code or files, maybe with @CHANGED Comment Tag |
💻 | :computer: |
when improving UI/Cosmetic |
📝 | :memo: |
when performing minor changes/fixing the code or language |
🐎 | :racehorse: |
when improving performance |
🪲 | :beetle: |
when fixing a bug |
🐧 | :penguin: |
when fixing something on Linux |
🍎 | :apple: |
when fixing something on Mac OS |
🏁 | :checkered_flag: |
when fixing something on Windows |
⚙️ | :gear: |
changing Configuration, Usually together with 🐧 or 🎀 or 🚀 |
🔧 | :wrench: |
Customer requested application Customization, with @HACK Comment Tag |
🐳 | :whale: |
Docker Configuration |
🚀 | :rocket: |
Anything related to Deployments/DevOps |
🐘 | :elephant: |
PostgreSQL Database specific (Migrations, Scripts, Extensions, ...) |
🐬 | :dolphin: |
MySQL Database specific (Migrations, Scripts, Extensions, ...) |
🍃 | :leaves: |
MongoDB Database specific (Migrations, Scripts, Extensions, ...) |
🏦 | :bank: |
Generic Database specific (Migrations, Scripts, Extensions, ...) |
🤝 | :handshake: |
when Merging files |
🔬 | :microscope: |
when adding tests |
☔ | :umbrella: |
when adding code coverage |
💚 | :green_heart: |
when fixing the CI build |
🔒 | :lock: |
when dealing with security |
⏩ | :fast_forward: |
when forward-porting features from an older version/branch |
⏪ | :rewind: |
when backporting features from a newer version/branch |
👕 | :shirt: |
when removing linter/strict/deprecation warnings |
♿ | :wheelchair: |
when improving accessibility (a11y) |
🌐 | :globe_with_meridians: |
when dealing with globalization/internationalization (i18n/g11n) |
🚧 | :construction: |
WIP(Work In Progress) Commits, maybe with @REVIEW Comment Tag |
🔈 | :speaker: |
when Adding Logging |
🔇 | :mute: |
when Reducing Logging |
✨ | :sparkles: |
when introducing New Features |
⚡ | :zap: |
when introducing Backward-InCompatible Features, maybe with @CHANGED Comment Tag |
💡 | :bulb: |
New Idea, with @IDEA Comment Tag |
The Code is licensed under the MIT License.