
A codebase to organize raiding groups

Primary LanguagePython

Synapticity Discord Bot

A bot to assist with discord actions in Presynaptic's discord

Quickstart Installation

To get started with this codebase you need to have python installed. If you're using WSL2 you can do this easily

sudo apt-get install python3

Download the codebase and install dependencies

git clone https://github.com/ajn2004/group_raiding
cd group_raiding
poetry install

This will download the project to your machine and install the necessary libraries to run the code.

Discord Bot

The main.py file is entry point for the discord bot. It can be run with a simple command

python3 main.py

This will launch the bot to connect to the discord server and start hosting commands

Postgres Server

The postgres server can best be understood by studying the models. This is a basic relational database intended to model the guild environment. Accessing the server can be done through the .env file.


Update these values with your access information and the app should connect automatically.

Of course this requires you to be running a postgres server, or know how to access a running one.