
DCAT is the Data Catalog Vocabulary, a product of the World Wide Web Consortium (WC3)'s Dataset Exchange Working Group.

This repo contains a tool that is intended to have the following functionality:

  1. Given an RDF schema, generate an Excel spreadsheet that can be used as a collection instrument for that schema. (It's envisioned that the RDF Schema will be a subset of DCAT, because we don't want to collect with every attribute in the schema.)

The excel spreadsheet should contain minimal validation.

  1. Given a spreadsheet that's been filled out, parse the supplied data in the spreadsheet into its RDF representation.

  2. Given an RDF representation of data elements, validate them, and create sensible error messages if validation fails. (We will use this to create web-forms that allow people to upload either RDF data or spreadsheets.)

For additional Reference

These sites may be useful:

Related Concepts

Turtle : An easy-to-author format for rendering RDF as text.

RDF/XML : A rendering of RDF data into XML.

JSON-LD : The JavaScript Object Notation Linked Data format, a specification : based on JSON.