As of 2021-07-21, this repository is archived since this plugin's code at that point has been absorbed into core RDFLib for its 6.0.0 release.
The repo will be kep to transfer Issues, PRs etc to rdflib core.
This is an implementation of JSON-LD for RDFLib. For more information about this technology, see the JSON-LD website.
This implementation will:
- read in an JSON-LD formatted document and create an RDF graph
- serialize an RDF graph to JSON-LD formatted output
The easiest way to install the RDFLib JSON-LD plugin is directly from PyPi using pip by running the command below:
pip install rdflib-jsonld
Otherwise you can download the source and install it directly by running:
python install
The plugin parser and serializer are automatically registered if installed by setuptools.
>>> from rdflib import Graph, plugin
>>> from rdflib.serializer import Serializer
>>> testrdf = """
... @prefix dcterms: <> .
... <>
... dcterms:title "Someone's Homepage"@en .
... """
>>> g = Graph().parse(data=testrdf, format='n3')
>>> print(g.serialize(format='json-ld', indent=4))
"@id": "",
"": [
"@language": "en",
"@value": "Someone's Homepage"
>>> context = {"@vocab": "", "@language": "en"}
>>> print(g.serialize(format='json-ld', context=context, indent=4))
"@context": {
"@language": "en",
"@vocab": ""
"@id": "",
"title": "Someone's Homepage"
If Sphinx is installed, Sphinx documentation can be generated with:
$ python build_sphinx
The documentation will be created in ./build/sphinx.