
pre-commit hook to update the usage of a program

Primary LanguagePython


Pre-commit hooks are tests that run each time you attempt to commit. If the tests pass, the commit will be made, otherwise not.

Goal of this hook

Keep the "usage" section of your README up-to-date without thinking about it ever again.

How to use

  1. Get started with pre-commit by following their documentation.

  2. Update your local .pre-commit-config.yaml with:

      - repo: /home/ssm-user/pre-commit-update-hook
        rev: 0.1.0
          - id: update-usage
  3. Replace the placeholder uptime mention by the necessary command to get the usage of your program. This command will be passed to your shell for resolution. You don't need to escape spaces.

Poetry usage

If you run your git command within shell spun up with poetry shell, then when pre-commit will execute this hook, the current virtual environment will be overriden by pre-commit's. Setting --usage-command poetry run yourcommand will not set the current virtual environment to the one you expect because poetry will not replace a virtual environment by its own (see this issue).

The best thing I found working so far is this:

  1. Create a poetry.toml with:

    in-project = true
  2. Exit your poetry shell

  3. Find your current poetry installation with poetry env info --path

  4. Delete it fully with rm -fr

  5. Create the local .venv folder

  6. Run poetry install and make sure it installs in the local .venv folder

  7. Observe the above arguments in .pre-commit-config.yaml:

      - repo: /home/ssm-user/pre-commit-update-hook
        rev: main
          - id: update-usage
                --usage-command=source .venv/bin/activate && poetry run python src/main.py --help,

Usage and demo

The usage of the pre-commit hook above is generated by using itself :) :

usage: main.py [-h] --usage-command USAGE_COMMAND [--readme-path README_PATH]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --usage-command USAGE_COMMAND
                        Command to run to get the usage to put in the README
  --readme-path README_PATH
                        Path to the README file. Defaults to ./README.md