
Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Vue Minicss

alt Vue Minicss Logo

A components progressive library base on minicss.org for Vuejs.

The documentation and examples are being building here. Best and new components and features are coming. Feel free to make a pull request.


This library is created by Aarón Montes. Support me to improve and maintain this library. My first month goal is only $50: Buy Me A Coffee



npm install --save vue-minicss

Import in your main.js (or index.js) file and install it:

// ES6
import VueMiniCss 'vue-minicss';



Note: All the components can receive the class, style or id as props.


A component to show expandables items. Usage

<m-accordion :items="items" />


Name Description Required Default
items Array of string or object containing the definition of the expandable items. E.g. ['Item 1', 'Item 2'...] or [{name: 'item1', label : 'Item 1'}] True
expandAll Boolean to indicate if it's possible to expand all items at same time False false


Name Description
name or label Slots with the name or label of the item to customize the item shown when expand

Box Colored

A component to display a blue box that occupies the entire available width.


<m-box-colored  />


Component to render a clickable button




Name Description Required Default
inverse Boolean to indicate when button is dark False false
color String to set button color. Values allowed are primary, secondary or tertiary False
size String to indicate the button size. Small and large are allowed values False
hoverEffect Boolean to indicate a little effect when over the button False true
shadowed Boolean to indicate when button is shadowed False false
rounded Boolean to indicate when button has rounded edges False false
circular Boolean to indicate when button is rounded or eliptical False false
bordered Boolean to indicate when button has a border False false
loading Boolean to indicate when button is loading. Show a spinner when is true False false
disabled Boolean to indicate when button is disabled False false
width Integer number to set the button with False 75


Name Description
Default Slots by default


Name Description
Click Event triggered when click


Card Section

Component to use into cards to separate content.




Name Description
Default Slot by default


Component to render a card.




Name Description Required Default
size String to indicate the card size. Small and large are allowed values False
variant String to indicate the card status. Values allowed are error and warning False
fluid Boolean to indicate when its width based on the column that contains them


Name Description
Default Slot by default


Component to show a drawer and its button into the screen.




Name Description Required Default
id String to unique identify the drawer True
persistent Boolean to indicate when the drawer will be on right side. Otherwise, will render the drawer over the trigger button False true


Name Description
Default Slot by default


Component to show a dropdown menu over a component.


	<template name="dropdown">


Name Description Required Default
hover Boolean value to indicate when dropdown is show on hover event False true


Name Description
Default Slot by default
dropdown Slot to place the body of dropdown menu



Component to define a default container




Name Description
Default Slot by default


Use to define a new row on a grid design




Name Description
Default Slot by default


Use to define a new column on a grid design




Name Description Required Default
sm String or integer number to indicate the number of row on a small screen False
md String or integer number to indicate the number of row on a medium screen False
lg String or integer number to indicate the number of row on a large screen False
smOffset String or integer number to indicate the offset for a row on a small screen False
mdOffset String or integer number to indicate the offset for a row on a medium screen False
lgOffset String or integer number to indicate the offset for a row on a large screen False


Name Description
Default Slot by default

Header & Footer


Component to show a header navbar.


	<template name="logo">


Name Description Required Default
sticky Boolean value to indicate when header is sticky False false


Name Description
Default Slot by default
logo Slot to place a logo on header


Component to show a footer bar.




Name Description Required Default
sticky Boolean value to indicate when footer is sticky False false


Name Description
Default Slot by default


Component to higlight a component (usually text).




Name Description Required Default
tag Boolean value to indicate when highlight is a tag. A tag means rounded corners False false
inline Boolean value to indicate when highlight is inline with the rest of text False false
color String to set highlight color. Values allowed are primary, secondary or tertiary False


Name Description
Default Slot by default


Component to show an icon. Its's based on Feather Icons. You can find the whole list of icons here.


<m-icon name="icon-name">


Name Description Required Default
name String to indicate the icon to show True
width Integer number to indicate the icon width False 24
height Integer number to indicate the icon height False 24
color String (with an hexadecimal value) to indicate the icon color False #000000



Component to show images


<m-image :src="src">


Name Description Required Default
src String to indicate the source of the image True
alt String to define an alternative text for the image False
caption String to define a footer image text False
innerClass String to define a class for the image HTML tag inside the component False
width String or integer number to indicate the image width False 240
height String or integer number to indicate the image height False 240

Hoverable Images

Component to show images and show and opacity when hover it.


<m-hoverable-image :src="src">


Name Description Required Default
src String to indicate the source of the image True
alt String to define an alternative text for the image False
innerClass String to define a class for the image HTML tag inside the component False
width String or integer number to indicate the image width False 240
height String or integer number to indicate the image height False 240
bodyColor String with an hexadecimal to indicate the body color when hover False transparent


Name Description
Default Slot by default


Component to show images and show and opacity when hover it.


<m-parallax :src="src" />


Name Description Required Default
src String to indicate the source of the image True
height String to define the parallax height False



Component to render a frame around other elements.




Name Description Required Default
Legend String to put a legend or title for the frame True


Name Description
Default Slot by default


Componente to show a checkbox.


<m-checkbox v-model="value" :label="label">


Name Description Required Default
value String to indicate when the checkbox is cheked False
label String to define the checkbox label False
disabled Boolean to indicate when the checkbox is disabled False false
form String to indicate the name of the form to which it belongs False
name String to indicate the name for checkbox False
readonly Boolean to indicate when the checkbox is readonly False false
invalid Boolean value that indicates when the control value is invalid or required False false


Name Description
Default Slot by default


Name Description
input Event triggered when the checkbox value changed

Note: You can use v-model with this component.


Component to show a button and select a file from a prompt


<m-file v-model="value" />


Name Description Required Default
id String to indicate the unique identifier for the component True
value String used by v-model directive to pass the base64 file string False
showLabel Boolean to indicate when to show the name of file selected False false
accept String to indicate the file extensions for input False
small String to indicate when the button is small or not False true


Name Description
input Event triggered when select a file

Note: You can use v-model with this component.


Component to show a input or textbox


<m-input v-model="value" />


Name Description Required Default
value String or number to indicate the input value False
type String to indicate the input type. Allowed values are text, number, email, search, password, tel and url True
disabled Boolean to indicate when the input is disable False false
form String to indicate the name of the form to which it belongs False
max String or integer number to indicate the maximun for inputs type number False
maxlength String or integer number to specify the maximum number of characters allowed on input False
min String or integer number to indicate the minimum for type number False
minlength String or integer number to specify the minimum number of characters allowed on input True
name String to specify the name of the input False
pattern Regex used the validate the input value when submit False
placeholder String to specify a short hint that describes the expected value of the input False
readonly Boolean to indicate when the input is readonly False
step String or integer number to specify the interval between legal numbers on input False
invalid Boolean value that indicates when the control value is invalid or required. Put a red border around input False


Name Description
blur Event triggered when input lost focus
change Event triggered when input changes its value
focus Event triggered when input got focus
keydown Event triggered when you press a key down
keypress Event triggered when you press a key
keyup Event triggered when you release a key
click Event triggered when you click on input
input Event triggered when input value changes

Note: You can use v-model with this component.


Component to show inputs type radio


<m-radio v-model="value" :items="items" />


Name Description Required Default
value String or number to indicate the input value False
items Array of object containing the items to render for radios. E.g. [{id: 'id', label': 'label', value: 'value'},...] True
disabled Boolean to indicate when the radios are disable False false
readonly Boolean to indicate when the radios are readonly False false
invalid Boolean value that indicates when the control value is invalid or required. Put a red border around input False false
vertical Boolean value to indicate when the input radios are shown vertically False false


Name Description
change Event triggered when checkbox changes its value
input Event triggered when checkbox changes its value

Note: You can use v-model with this component.


Component to show select control


<m-select v-model="value" :options="items" />


Name Description Required Default
value String or number to indicate the input value False
options Array of object containing the items for select options. E.g. [{ label': 'label', value: 'value'},...] True
disabled Boolean to indicate when the select control is disable False false
form String to indicate the name of the form to which it belongs False
name String to specify the name of the select control False
readonly Boolean to indicate when the select control is readonly False false
invalid Boolean value that indicates when the control value is invalid or required. Put a red border around input False false
placeholder String to specify a short hint that describes the expected value when you make a selection False


Name Description
change Event triggered when checkbox changes its value
input Event triggered when checkbox changes its value

Note: You can use v-model with this component.


Component to show a textarea


<m-textarea v-model="value" />


Name Description Required Default
value String or number to indicate the textarea value False
disabled Boolean to indicate when the textarea is disable False false
form String to indicate the name of the form to which it belongs False
maxlength String or integer number to specify the maximum number of characters allowed on textarea False
name String to specify the name of the input False
placeholder String to specify a short hint that describes the expected value of the textarea False
autofocus Boolean to indicate when the input is focused from the begining False
rows String or integer number of rows for the texte area False
cols String or integer number of columns for the texte area False
invalid Boolean value that indicates when the control value is invalid or required. Put a red border around input False


Name Description
blur Event triggered when textarea lost focus
change Event triggered when textarea changes its value
focus Event triggered when textarea got focus
keydown Event triggered when you press a key down
keypress Event triggered when you press a key
keyup Event triggered when you release a key
click Event triggered when you click on textarea
input Event triggered when textarea value changes

Note: You can use v-model with this component.



Component to show a little loading modal over the main screen. It has a slot to put other components inside it.


<m-loading :show="show">


Name Description Required Default
show Boolean value to indicate when to show the loading modal False false


Name Description
Default Slot by default


Component to show a modal window over main screen.


<m-modal v-model="show">


Name Description Required Default
value Boolean value to indicate when to show the modal False false

Note: You can use v-model with this component.


Name Description
Default Slot by default
header Slot to customize the modal header


Name Description
input Event triggered when click on close button


Component to show a progress bar.



Name Description Required Default
color String to set button color. Values allowed are primary, secondary or tertiary False
value String or integer number to indicate the progress bar value False 0
max String or integer number to indicate the max value for progress bar False 100


Component to show a loading spinner icon Usage



Name Description Required Default
color String to set button color. Values allowed are primary, secondary or tertiary False


Component to show a table


<m-table :headers="headers" :items="items">


Name Description Required Default
headers Array of string to indicate the table headers. E.g. ['Column 1', 'Column 2'...] True
items Array of object containing the items to render on the table. There must be a match with the table headers. E.g. [{'Column 1': value1, 'Column 2': value 2}] True
search String to indicate a search over the table items False
horizontal Boolean to indicate when table will be show horizontally False false
striped Boolean to indicate when table is striped False false
hoverable Boolean to indicate when table has other color when hover a row False false
selectable Boolean to indicate when is possible to select a row False false
dense Boolean to indicate when table is dense False false
noItemsText String to indicate a message when any items were found on a search False


Name Description
title Slots to place a title
search Slots to place a search textbox
header-{index} Slots to customize a header. Index begins on 0
row-{header} Slots to customize a cell under a header on a row


Name Description
item-click Event triggered when click on a row and it's selectable


Component to render a card.




Name Description Required Default
tabs Array of string containing the tab titles True
value Integer number to indicate the current tab shown False 0


Name Description
tab-header-{index} Slot to show the header of the N tab. By default has the tab title. Index begin on 1
tab-content-{index} Slot to show the content of the N tab. Index begin on 1


Name Description
Input Event triggered when change tab

Note: You can use v-model with this component.


Component to show a toast message on screen bottom Usage



Name Description Required Default
value Boolean to indicate when to show toast True false
timeout Integer number to indicate the miliseconds on screen False 2500


Name Description
Input Event triggered when toast dissaper

Note: You can use v-model with this component.


Name Description
Default Slot by default


Component to show a tooltip when pass over a HTML element or component


<m-tooltip tooltip-text="My tooltip">


Name Description Required Default
tooltipText String to use as tooltip True
bottom Boolean to indicate when tooltip is shown on bottom False false


Name Description
Default Slot by default
