Create a custom no results templates.
Assuming you've installed and are using primo-explore-devenv.
Navigate to your template/central package root directory. For example:
cd primo-explore/custom/MY_VIEW_ID
If you do not already have a package.json file in this directory, create one:
npm init -y
Install this package:
npm install primo-explore-custom-no-search-results --save-dev
Once installed, inject customNoSearchResults
as a dependency:
let app = angular.module('viewCustom', ['customNoSearchResults'])
Note: If you're using the --browserify build option, you will need to first import the module with:
import 'primo-explore-custom-no-search-results';
You'll need to set a customNoSearchResultsTemplateUrl
value in your main.js
to point to your custom no search results template:
app.value('customNoSearchResultsTemplateUrl', 'custom/MY_VIEW_ID/html/customNoSearchResults.html');
// main.js
import 'primo-explore-custom-no-search-results';
let app = angular.module('viewCustom', ['customNoSearchResults']);
app.value('customNoSearchResultsTemplateUrl', 'custom/MY_VIEW_ID/html/customNoSearchResults.html');
<!-- html/customNoSearchResults.html -->
<md-card class="default-card zero-margin _md md-primoExplore-theme">
<span translate="" class="md-headline">No records found</span>
<span>Your search returned 0 results. Try one of the options below:</span>
<li><a ng-href="https://ezborrow.url?query={{ $ctrl.parentCtrl.term }}">Request a book from E-ZBorrow (NYU only)</a></li>
<li><a ng-href="{{ $ctrl.parentCtrl.term }}">Search WorldCat for items in nearby libraries</a></li>
<li><a href="">Ask a Librarian</a></li>