Relaxed Adaptive Projection

Hello! This GitHub repository contains the source code for the paper Differentially Private Query Release Through Adaptive Projection.

Our paper ran experiments on the ADULT and LOANS datasets using the same pre-processing as the Vietri et al. 20 and McKenna et al. 2019 papers.

Requirements and Setup

Our project can be run on CPU and GPU. We have set up Dockerfiles for both cases but feel free to use Conda/venv/the package manager of your choice.

Docker CPU

Build the docker image by running (substituting <image_name> with your choice of name):

docker build -t <image_name> .

Then you can start a shell in the container with the source directory volume mapped to /usr/src by:

docker run --rm -itv $(pwd):/usr/src <image_name> /bin/bash

If you wish to instead start a Python REPL in the container:

docker run --rm -itv $(pwd):/usr/src <image_name> /bin/bash

Docker GPU

This option requires that the NVidia Docker runtime be installed. This is standard in most Deep Learning based VMs (eg: DLAMI on AWS). Build the GPU docker image by running (substituting <image_name> with your choice of name):

docker build -t <image_name> -f Dockerfile.gpu .

Then you can start a shell in the container with the source directory volume mapped to /usr/src by:

nvidia-docker run --rm -itv $(pwd):/usr/src <image_name> /bin/bash

If you wish to instead start a Python REPL in the container:

nvidia-docker run --rm -itv $(pwd):/usr/src <image_name> /bin/bash

Local CPU

To install the CPU version of our code locally, clone this repository and then run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Local GPU

In order to install the GPU version of our code locally, you will need to install all requirements but jaxlib. Run:

grep -v "jax" requirements.txt | xargs pip install

And then, find the version of CUDA that's installed on your machine by running

nvcc --version

Finally, follow the instructions at the JAX Installation Guide.


Download the dataset csvs and corresponding -domain.json files from the following links and place datasets in the (empty) data folder.

  1. ADULT
  2. LOANS

Running the data generator is the entrypoint for running experiments/generating data.

An example invocation to run an experiment on adult dataset: python --data-source adult --num-generated-points 1000 --epochs 5 --top-q 5 --seed 0 --statistic-module statistickway --k 3 --workload 64 --learning-rate 1e-3

You are also free to use config files like: python -c adult_config.txt

To access the script usage listed below, run: python -h


usage: [-h] [--config-file CONFIG_FILE] [--num-dimensions D] [--num-points N] [--num-generated-points N_PRIME] [--epsilon EPSILON] [--delta DELTA] [--iterations ITERATIONS] [--save-figures SAVE_FIG]
               [--no-show-figures NO_SHOW_FIG] [--ignore-diagonals IGNORE_DIAG] [--data-source {toy_binary,adult,loans}] [--read-file READ_FILE] [--use-data-subset USE_SUBSET] [--filepath FILEPATH]
               [--destination_path DESTINATION] [--seed SEED] [--statistic-module STATISTIC_MODULE] [--k K] [--workload WORKLOAD] [--learning-rate LEARNING_RATE] [--project [PROJECT [PROJECT ...]]]
               [--initialize_binomial INITIALIZE_BINOMIAL] [--lambda-l1 LAMBDA_L1] [--stopping-condition STOPPING_CONDITION] [--all-queries] [--top-q TOP_Q] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--csv-path CSV_PATH] [--silent]
               [--verbose] [--norm {Linfty,L2,L5,LogExp}] [--categorical-consistency] [--measure-gen] [--oversamples OVERSAMPLES]

Args that start with '--' (eg. --num-dimensions) can also be set in a config file (specified via --config-file). Config file syntax allows: key=value, flag=true, stuff=[a,b,c] (for details, see syntax at If an arg is specified in more than one place, then commandline values override config file values which override defaults.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config-file CONFIG_FILE, -c CONFIG_FILE
                        Path to config file
  --num-dimensions D, -d D
                        Number of dimensions in the original dataset. Does not need to be set when consuming csv files (default: 2)
  --num-points N, -n N  Number of points in the original dataset. Only used when generating datasets (default: 1000)
  --num-generated-points N_PRIME, -N N_PRIME
                        Number of points to generate (default: 1000)
  --epsilon EPSILON     Privacy parameter (default: 1)
  --delta DELTA         Privacy parameter (default: 1/n**2)
  --iterations ITERATIONS
                        Number of iterations (default: 1000)
  --save-figures SAVE_FIG
                        Save generated figures
  --no-show-figures NO_SHOW_FIG
                        Not show generated figuresduring execution
  --ignore-diagonals IGNORE_DIAG
                        Ignore diagonals
  --data-source {toy_binary,adult,loans}
                        Data source used to train data generator
  --read-file READ_FILE
                        Choose whether to regenerate or read data from file for randomly generated datasets
  --use-data-subset USE_SUBSET
                        Use only n rows and d columns of the data read from the file as input to the algorithm. Will not affect random inputs.
  --filepath FILEPATH   File to read from
  --destination_path DESTINATION
                        Location to save figures and configuration
  --seed SEED           Seed to use for random number generation
  --statistic-module STATISTIC_MODULE
                        Module containing preserve_statistic function that defines statistic to be preserved. Function MUST be named preserve_statistic
  --k K                 k-th marginal (default k=3)
  --workload WORKLOAD   workload of marginals (default 64)
  --learning-rate LEARNING_RATE, -lr LEARNING_RATE
                        Adam learning rate (default: 1e-3)
  --project [PROJECT [PROJECT ...]]
                        Project into [a,b] b>a during gradient descent (default: None, do not project))
  --initialize_binomial INITIALIZE_BINOMIAL
                        Initialize with 1-way marginals
  --lambda-l1 LAMBDA_L1
                        L1 regularization term (default: 0)
  --stopping-condition STOPPING_CONDITION
                        If improvement on loss function is less than stopping condition, RAP will be terminated
  --all-queries         Choose all q queries, no selection step. WARNING: this option overrides the top-q argument
  --top-q TOP_Q         Top q queries to select (default q=500)
  --epochs EPOCHS       Number of epochs (default: 100)
  --csv-path CSV_PATH   Location to save results in csv format
  --silent, -s          Run silently
  --verbose, -v         Run verbose
  --norm {Linfty,L2,L5,LogExp}
                        Norm to minimize if using the optimization paradigm (default: L2)
                        Enforce consistency categorical variables
  --measure-gen         Measure Generalization properties
  --oversamples OVERSAMPLES
                        comma separated values of oversamling rates (default None)


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 License. See the LICENSE file.


Please use the following citation when publishing material that uses our code:

      title={Differentially Private Query Release Through Adaptive Projection}, 
      author={Sergul Aydore and William Brown and Michael Kearns and Krishnaram Kenthapadi and Luca Melis and Aaron Roth and Ankit Siva},