
It is a tool that converts any image into code in JSON WLED format, currently being tested on a 2D Matrix panel, soon I will post news for the serpentine version.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Pixel Magic Tool

It is a tool that converts any image into code in JSON WLED format, currently being tested on a 2D Matrix panel, soon I will post news for the serpentine version.


  • Converts any type of image
  • Option on tape address format
  • Result output option
  • Choice of brightness intensity
  • Convert transparent pixels to chosen color
  • Convert animated GIFs
  • Resize image
  • Select image direct from [WLED-IP]/edit or upload
  • Can save, simulate, copy or download generated code

Improvements and fixes


  • Correction in animation generation that was actually breaking
  • Button to return to WLED if pxmagic.htm is accessed via url (http://), if accessed via external (file://) the button will not show
  • Adjustments to CSS and some features
  • Rremoving unnecessary html
  • Correction of CORS error when using the file locally, it was unable to generate the images that are saved in WLED


  • Changing the use of document
  • Creation of function element to be reduced in relation to document.getElementById
  • Fixes
  • Image being generated according to its size
  • Re-creation of the redone image
  • Reworked Resize, if your segment is 20x20 and you want to use 16x16 it will be fine, credits @blazoncek
  • Default Segment Default as 0 and data-width and data-height as 16 if user opens via Desktop and not via WLED, credits @ALDIY#2452
  • Final file size reduction
  • Improved functionality and interaction between parameters


  • The API domain was ajota.vercel.app now it's pixelmagictool.vercel.app
  • Performance in pxmagic and inpxmagic version
  • Significantly decreased pxmagic.htm file size
  • range pattern now in hybrid style to improve JSON size
  • Version name change from interface.htm to pxmagic.htm
  • Version name change from inline.htm to inpxmagic.htm


  • Fixed animation generation
  • Fixed drag and drop function
  • Fix when saving presets and playlist
  • Function performance fixes
  • Parameter text interpretation
  • Interaction of functionality
  • Save presets via API
  • Auto default segment width and height



Right-Click [Interface] and select save to your local computer.


Showing usability in the interface version in an easy, simple and intuitive way.




Right-Click [Inline] and select save to your local computer.

Example of what the URL looks like

  GET http://[WLED-IP]/inpxmagic.htm?id=0&output=ha&brightness=255&pre_segment=individual&device=pixel_art_controller_001&unique_id=pixel_art_controller_001a&friendly_name=PixelArt&hostname=[WLED-IP]&color=3CCFFE5&image=33.png&download=true&simulate=false


# Local image upload
# Remember to change the \path\image.png path to the desired image path.
curl -X POST -F "file=@\path\image.png" "https://pixelmagictool.vercel.app/api/wled/image?id=0&output=json&brightness=255&pre_segment=individual&hostname="

# External image upload
curl -X POST -F "file=@-;filename=image.png" "https://pixelmagictool.vercel.app/api/wled/image?id=0&output=curl&brightness=255&pre_segment=individual&hostname=" < <(curl -s "https://img.freepik.com/premium-vector/lightning-pixel-art-gaming-item-game-pixel-lightning_158677-585.jpg")
# OR
curl -o /tmp/image.png -s "https://img.freepik.com/premium-vector/lightning-pixel-art-gaming-item-game-pixel-lightning_158677-585.jpg" && curl -X POST -F "file=@/tmp/image.png" "https://pixelmagictool.vercel.app/api/wled/image?id=0&output=curl&brightness=255&pre_segment=individual&hostname="

Description of parameters

Parameters Type Description Default Required
id integer Segment id 0
output or o string Output type, options [json, curl, ha] json
brightness or bri integer Brightness of the LEDs 128
pattern or pat string Pattern type, options [individual ["FFFFFF"], index [0, "FFFFFF"], range [0, 5, "FFFFFF"] individual
hostname or hn string WLED IP -
width or w number Resize image width 16 ⬜️
height or h number Resize image height 16 ⬜️
device or d string Device name, mandatory if the output is "ha" - ⬜️
unique_id or uid string Unique device id, required if output is "ha" - ⬜️
friendly_name or fn string Friendly name of the device, mandatory if the output is "ha" - ⬜️
color or c string If the image contains a transparent background, you can change it to a desired color by passing the color in the HEX pattern - ⬜️
animation or anim boolean If true, it will return the WLED JSON according to the number of frames in the GIF image. false ⬜️
amount or amt number Number of frames contained in the GIF image, if the animation parameter is true 0 ⬜️
delay or dl number Delay seconds between executions curl, optional and only for output curl 2 ⬜️
name or n string Name of the preset to be saved - ⬜️
psave or ps number Preset id to be saved - ⬜️
image string Image that will be converted to JSON WLED, required only if using the inpxmagic version - ⬜️
file boolean If true, it will download the file according to the output, required only if using the inpxmagic version false ⬜️
simulate boolean If true and output is "json" then simulate JSON WLED, required only if using the inpxmagic version false ⬜️