Andrew Joy, Indy Holdsworth, Phoenix Nicholson, Kevin Do
Description: You are in debt because of your tuition to Alchemy Code Lab. You're desperate to pay it off so you sign up.. for the squid game..
Problem Domain: This project will serve as an immersion for the user to feel like they are in the squid games (without the dying part)
We will be using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for this project
Miro Board: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lm95oS4=/
Conflicts and Communications Plan:
What will your group do when it encounters conflict?
- Group discussion, hear out both sides of conflict. You are not your code, don’t take things personally. Group decides on best approach.
How will you raise concerns to members who are not adequately contributing?
- A group discussion. Noticed a lack of work. Ask them why, if they need help, if they’re struggling with something.
What is your process to resolve conflicts?
- Group discussion.
How and when will you escalate the conflict if your attempts are unsuccessful?
- Third time bringing up the same issue, call in JULIE.
- How will you communicate after hours and on the weekend?
- Use our slack group chat. Answer slack until 10:00pm.
- What is your strategy for ensuring everyone's voices are heard?
- Include people in the conversation, bring them in if silent or ask why. Don’t take offense if you quiet
- How will you ensure that you are creating a safe environment where everyone feels comfortable speaking up?
- Be inclusive and friendly, accept other people’s ideas
- Home page, map page, 3 game pages, end page, debt counter, amount of tries per game
- Header, Squid Games logo shapes and alchemy logo
- Input Name (input-name), Submit Button (submit-button), About Us (about-us)
- Form submit
- Save user data to localStorage
- Make a userObject (with amount of money -$24,000) with generateUser function
- generate random number for player identification
- redirect to black page
- About Us
- Redirects to About Us Page
- DOM inputName, submitButton, and aboutUS
- Add event listener for when form is submitted
- H1 header - About Us
- Main section which contains H3 with our name, image, and small biography
- Footer that has an a href back to the main page
- STRETCH GOAL - Add epic transition to images
- STRETCH GOAL - Add lessgo game master image
- Squid Games logo shapes
- Paragraph with span (number-span) that tells the player they are now known as the number generated from generateUser
- Paragraph with good luck paying
- Interval timer that will redirect to the map page after a few seconds
- User state that displays player number, stats of how many games you've survived, and your total debt
- Start button (start-button)
- Upon page load, update our state with results from each game -Button click
- If button clicked 'x' amount of times, redirects to corresponding link
- If that's too hard, hide previous link and display next one on click
- DOM startButton
- Display getUser
- Header, image of user position, go button (go-button)
- Event listener of click moves the player position across the screen
- intervalTimer to change the light from red to green and vice versa
- Header, drop down menu (odd or even), guess button (guess-button), tries remaining span (tries-left)
- Event listener that will display the span 1) if you are correct or incorrect and 2) reduce the amount of tries left if incorrect
- Image of character on one side of the website
- Div columns of radio buttons
- Radio inputs check if the glass is real or fake
- If it is fake, displays broken glass image if it matches the ID
- Makes next two radio buttons available to select
- Header saying current balance is x
- "Add money to resolve balance" if it is negative
- Span that displays sorry (lose-span) or congratulations (win-span)
- Two buttons to replay: Sign another ISA (isa-button) will send you back to the map and subtract $24,000. Start over (reset-button) sends resets the game and player starts over at the first page
- Stats span that tells you how many times you've 1) won, 2) lost, 3) times won game 1: x, game 2: x, game 3: x and 4) times failed game 1: x, game 2: x, game 3: x
- Money balance will be determined from getUser
- Span will display lose or win message
- Money pig background will be displayed if you won
- Sign another ISA (isaButton) event listener
- Start over (resetButton) event listener
- TDD all tests
- setUser, userProfile, getUser, generateUser, randomNumber, isEven, gameScore, toUSD