
Very basic layout for IPS Admin Tool 2.0.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular Seed Prototype

Hello world sample built with Angular2, Webpack, ngrx/store and TypeScript.

Getting Started


What you need to run this app:

  • node and npm
  • Global or local install (npm module) of webpack-dev-server
  • Global or local install (npm module) of typings


npm install

The package.json file has a postInstall command to install the necessary TypeScript dependencies (typings install)

Note: There appears to be a peer dependence on having a local copy of the webpack and typescript modules. These are listed in the package.json as a devDependency.

The installed dependencies:

  • @angular/*: Core angular framework libraries
  • @ngrx/store: State management library for Angular2
  • reflect-metadata: Used for browser polyfills
  • zone.js: Used for browser polyfills
  • rxjs: Reactive Extensions used through Angular - specifically for Observables
  • angular2-hmr: Hot module replacement tool for Angular
  • awesome-typescript-loader: TypeScript loader desigend for webpack. Faster than the commonly use ts-loader
  • core-js: Used by Karma to work with es6
  • css-loader: Used for CSS loading and bundling
  • html-webpack-plugin: Builds html files used with webpack bundles
  • jasmine-core: unit test library
  • karma*: used to run unit tests
  • *-loader: Various loader modules to parse application files
  • less: CSS preprocessor
  • protractor: e2e test library
  • style-loader: Combined with css-loader to load and bundle css
  • ts-node: used by protractor during e2e tests
  • typescript: TypeScript compiler
  • webpack: Module loader
  • webpack-merge: Plugin to merge different files as part of the webpack operations.


At the time of writing, the primary webpack-dev-server is the primary web server utilized in order to enable hot module replacement. The package.json includes start and start hot scripts:

  • npm run start or npm run start:hot

This operation will start a webpack-dev-server on localhost:8080

If the *:hot flag is specified, the application will start a Socket.io to listen for module updates and replace dirty modules without a page refresh.
