
An auto updating FlexGet container.

Primary LanguageShell


Read all about FlexGet here.


docker create \
    --name=flexget \
    -e PGID=<gid> -e PUID=<uid> \
    -v </path/to/flexget/appdata>:/config \
    -v <path/to/downloads>:/downloads \

This container is based on phusion-baseimage with ssh removed. For shell access whilst the container is running do docker exec -it flexget /bin/bash.


  • -p 9091 - Transmission WebUI Port
  • -v /config - Transmission app data
  • -v /downloads - location of downloads on disk
  • -e PGID for for GroupID - see below for explanation
  • -e PUID for for UserID - see below for explanation


FlexGet is able to connect with transmission using transmissionrpc, which is pre-installed in this container. For more details, see http://flexget.com/wiki/Plugins/transmission.

User / Group Identifiers

TL;DR - The PGID and PUID values set the user / group you'd like your container to 'run as' to the host OS. This can be a user you've created or even root (not recommended).

Part of what makes this container work so well is by allowing you to specify your own PUID and PGID. This avoids nasty permissions errors with relation to data volumes (-v flags). When an application is installed on the host OS it is normally added to the common group called users, Docker apps due to the nature of the technology can't be added to this group. So this feature was added to let you easily choose when running your containers.

Updates / Monitoring

  • Upgrade to the latest version of FlexGet simply docker restart flexget.
  • Monitor the logs of the container in realtime docker logs -f flexget.
