
Email yourself status updates from TaskWarrior

Primary LanguageRuby

== ABOUT ==
TaskMailer is a small ruby application designed to email you status updates 
based on your TaskWarrior to-do lists.  

TaskWarrior is a "command-line todo list manager."  It's a great application 
for organizing and prioritizing tasks. Learn more about it by visiting 

TaskMailer requires (obviously) TaskWarrior to be installed and running on your
system.  Please visit http://taskwarrior.org for information on how to set up 
and configure an instance of TaskWarrior.

In order to send out emails, TaskMailer requires Pony.  gem install pony or
visit https://github.com/benprew/pony for more information.

Finally, TaskMailer uses Psych to read YAML configuration files.
gem install psych will install Psych, though it may require the libyaml-dev 
library to be installed on your system.

== SETUP ==
Edit config/smtp.yaml to contain the SMTP information of your the mail server
you will be using to send out email.

Edit config/jobs.yaml with the email address, subject, line, and TaskWarrior
projets you wish to send out.  You can add multiple jobs to the list!

Invoke taskwarrior.rb to send out your emails.  Make it a cron job for extra