
DASH (Distributed Address Shortening Hub) is a decentralized application designed to shorten URLs. It leverages Cloudflare network to ensure fast and reliable short links.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Distributed Address Shortening Hub

Demo Build

Username: admin

Password: admin

NB: Performing post, put, delete methods in the demo will not reflect in the database.


DASH - Distributed Address Shortening Hub is a decentralized application designed to shorten URLs. It leverages Cloudflare network to ensure fast and reliable short links.


  • Decentralized: Utilizes cloudflare and it's vast network for fast serving.
  • Secure: Self hosted, so you manage your data.
  • User-Friendly: Simple and intuitive interface for easy URL shortening.



  1. Login to cloudflare, create a worker project named dash-api and create another pages project named dash-web

  2. Generate a Cloudflare api token following this link: https://link.shovon.me/wrangler-token

  3. Create a KV in cloudflare and copy the id. Follow this for more info: https://link.shovon.me/kv-id

  4. Crate an account on NeonDB and get the connection string. Follow this guide if needed: https://link.shovon.me/neon-string

  5. Create a JWT secret from here (length 32): https://link.shovon.me/gen-jwt or run this in terminal node -e "console.log(require('crypto').randomBytes(32).toString('hex'))"

Deploy With GitHub Actions

  1. Create a new repo using this template

  2. Goto the repo Settings -> Secrets and variables -> Actions. On Repository secrets section add these secrets

Name Value Requirement
CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN Token generated from requirements step 2 Required
CLOUDFLARE_KV_ID KV ID from requirements step 3 Required
NEON_DATABASE_URL DB URL string from requirements step 4 Required
JWT_SECRET JWT secret from requirements step 5 Required
DEFAULT_USER Default username for login Required
DEFAULT_PASSWORD Default password for login Required
API_CUSTOM_DOMAIN Custom domain for the short link Optional
  1. Goto the Actions tab on the repo, select Deploy API and Web action, select Run workflow, branch main, Run workflow

Manual Deployment

  1. Clone this repo locally and run pnpm install

  2. Open apps/api/wrangler.toml, replace the {{KV_ID}} from with KV ID from requirements step 3. If you are going to use a custom domain for the short link, uncomment line 4 and replace {{CUSTOM_DOMAIN}} with your custom domain.

  3. Create a .env file in apps/api/ and fill in NEON_DATABASE_URL, DEFAULT_USER and DEFAULT_PASSWORD

  4. Put the Neon database string on worker secret using: pnpm db:set

  5. Put the JWT secret on worker using: pnpm jwt:secret:set

  6. Run pnpm worker:deploy:api to deploy the api

  7. Create a .env file in apps/web/ and fill in NEXT_PUBLIC_WORKER with the custom domain or the worker url got from previous command

  8. Run pnpm pages:deploy:web to deploy the web client


We welcome contributions! Please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch:
git checkout -b feature-branch
  1. Make your changes and commit them:
git commit -m "Description of changes"
  1. Push to the branch:
git push origin feature-branch
  1. Create a pull request.


This project is licensed under the GPL 3.0 License. See the COPYING file for details.


For any questions or feedback, please open an issue