
This project provides resources for deploying InfluxDB in Docker.

Image Platform

RHEL 7.1

Image Dependencies

RHEL7 Subscription


Simply run:

$ docker build -t influxdb .

Launching InfluxDB

Simply run:

$ docker run -d influxdb


The InfluxDB image exposes ports 8083 and 8086.


By default, no authentication is configured on this image.

To add authentication, you'll need to do the following:

  1. Modify "influxdb.conf" to contain:

    auth-enabled = true
  2. Modify the dockerfile to run the commands to add users. For example:

    RUN bash -c '/opt/influxdb/influxd -config /etc/opt/influxdb/influxdb.conf &' &&\
        until curl -G http://localhost:8086/query --data-urlencode "q=CREATE USER root WITH PASSWORD secret WITH ALL PRIVILEGES"; do sleep 1; done
  3. Rebuild the image.


This image defines an entrypoint which starts the influxdb service.