
Python script to streamline SGE job submission.

Primary LanguagePython


Python script to streamline SGE job submission. It creates an output directory with the job name and date-time, writes the .sh job script to that location plus a copy of itself for your records, and then submits the job to the cluster.


The script takes a small number of user-edited input variables:

  • job_name = 'test_job' Give your job an informative name, without spaces.
  • memory_request = 1 # GB Memory requested per node (see below)
  • runtime = 24 # hours
  • nodes = 1 Number of parallel threads to request. Don't forget that the total memory requested will be multiplied by this number!
  • working_directory = '~'
  • output_base = '~/output'
  • use_gpu = False If your job needs a GPU node, set this to true and relevant SGE commands will be added.
  • custom_sge = """""" For any special commands you want to send to SGE.

After these have been defined, the output_directory variable is created by combining job_name and a date-time string. This is created before the user's commands are specified because you might wish to use it to specify where a script puts its job-related output.

commands = """echo "Hello, world"
touch """ + output_directory + """test_file
sleep 10"""

Commands are then placed in the triple-quoted string, allowing multi-line input of several commands. As noted above, the output_directory variable is available if needed.


On success, the script will return a happy message and run qstat to check that your job has been submitted. On failure, it will return the qsub error message and exit, but the output directory and .sh script it creates will not be removed.


Do not modify this to submit tens of jobs. Use an array job instead, which you could use this script to submit!