
Keele R Course 2018

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Welcome to my 2-day R course at Keele University

Email: Andrew.Stewart@manchester.ac.uk Twitter: @ajstewart_lang

Location and Date Information

August 1st/2nd 2018
Location (NOTE CHANGE) LJ1.27 (Lennard Jones Building)

Morning Session 1030-1230
Afternoon Session 1400-1600

Installing R and RStudio

You will need access to a laptop for this course. Beforehand, you should install R (the language) and RStudio (the interface that helps us interact with R) - each is available for OSX, Windows, and various flavours of Unix. You can install R from here:


And RStudio from here:


The Course Material

In advance of the course, please download the content from here:


You will find folders for Day One and Day Two. Within each of these, you'll find separate Morning and Afternoon folders. Each Morning folder contains the slides for the seminar, and the R code and data I use in the slides. The Afternoon folders contain the afternoon workshops (each written as an .html file), and the data needed for each workshop. Additionally, you'll also find a Cheat Sheets and Handy Guides folder which contains a number of helpful reference resources, and a Quick Start guide to begin working with R.

On Day One we will cover the basics of R, data wrangling, data visualisation, and classical analysis techniques such as AN(C)OVA and regression. On Day Two we will focus on (generalised) linear mixed models (aka mixed models, hierarchical linear models, random effects models) for the modelling of normal, non-normal, binomial, and ordinal data.

Online R Resources

Below are some helpful R resources - it would be useful to look at the first one before the initial workshop.

Online introductory guide to R, RStudio, and R Markdown.

This is a very clear and focused introduction to R, RStudio, and R Markdown. You probably want to read the first four chapters sooner rather than later...


R for Data Science online book - Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham

This is the online interactive version of the book of the same name. It focuses more on the data science side of things than on statistics per se, and is very useful (especially in terms of data wrangling).


R Graphics Cookbook

The following cookbook contains lots of useful examples of graphing using the ggplot2 package in R. A new version of the book is due to be released during Summer 2018.


Mixed effects models in Ecology

You might like to read this great paper on mixed effects models in ecology before the second day of the workshop:
