Yum is an Android app with a food-focused review system that lets users rate how well a restaurant can prepare a given dish. We developed this app mainly because we had all experienced times where a restaurant had great ratings (due to its ambiance/service/etc), but served mediocre food. Many of us do not care too much about the quality of the restaurant establishment, but rather the quality of the food. Yum aims to remedy this issue through a crowdsourced review system similar to Yelp's.
Currently, our app allows users to create an account, login, and write reviews for specific food items. Users can also search for food items, read and upvote/downvote other people's reviews and browse through the recommendation tab to find relevant food items they may like.
GIF created with LiceCap.
Our Team
- Vincent Xu
- Anthony Tran
- Bryan Espinoza
- Charles Jacob Elliot
- Chris Jiang
- Harrison Ku
- Jonathan Leigh
- Phing Taing
- Reena Dacanay
- Samuel Kee