
A collection of exercises to practice Elixir and TDD. Mimicing the Turing examples version of Mythical Creatures for learning Ruby

Primary LanguageElixir

Mythical Creatures - Elixir

A collection of exercises to practice Elixir and TDD.

Mimicing the Turing examples version of Mythical Creatures for learning Ruby

How to Run

In order to complete these exercises create a module for each of the mythical creatures in the test directory.

Navigate to the mythical-creatures directory in your terminal, run mix deps.get and then run your first test:

$ mix test test/unicorn_test.exs

That will likely produce an error saying that no unicorn.ex file exists. The first line with ** is the error message.

== Compilation error in file test/unicorn_test.exs ==
** (CompileError) test/unicorn_test.exs:3: module Unicorn is not loaded and could not be found
    (ex_unit) expanding macro: ExUnit.DocTest.doctest/1
    test/unicorn_test.exs:3: UnicornTest (module)
    (elixir) lib/kernel/parallel_compiler.ex:237: anonymous fn/4 in Kernel.ParallelCompiler.spawn_workers/7

Create that file in the lib directory (touch lib/unicorn.ex) and then run your test again. Continue to follow the errors that your test provides until the test passes. Then, unskip the next test by removing the lines that say @tag :skip defined in test/test_helper.exs. Continue until all tests pass for all creatures.

Suggested Order

  • unicorn_test.ex
  • vampire_test.ex
  • dragon_test.ex
  • hobbit_test.ex
  • pirate_test.ex
  • wizard_test.ex
  • medusa_test.ex
  • werewolf_test.ex
  • centaur_test.ex
  • ogre_test.ex

Extra Challenges

The Dreaded if Statement

Can you complete implementations of each of the creatures without using if statements? Think about how removing them affects your code. Remember that a case is just a different form of if, so don't use it.