
A Python CLI app using the pretrained VADER sentiment analysis tool included in NLTK

Primary LanguagePython

Simple Sentiment Analysis


  • Get the VADER compound score of text
  • Get the human-readable meaning of a compound score
  • Get a human-readable sentiment analysis of text

Roadmap / Wishlist

  • Develop a function that analyzes the other components of the VADER score (neg, neu, pos) and outputs "flavor" that can be added to the compound score analysis.

Local Setup

Fork and clone this repo.

Virtual Environment

Create and activate a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

You will know the environment is activated because your command prompt will be prepended by (.venv).

Install the packages:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the program

python3 main.py

A demo will print out on the screen and then you will be prompted to input text. When you submit your text with the enter key, the program will analyze the sentiment and return a result.

For example:

> Input text to analyze:
I'm so grateful for their assistance!
    The text has a positive sentiment.

You can exit the program by submitting q, quit, or exit or using a keyboard command: ctrl+D or ctrl+C.

When you are done with exploring this project, deactivate your virtual environment. This will remove the packages that were installed:


If you want to play with the code again, you will have to follow the steps again in the above section, "Virtual Environment."


This project uses the pretrained VADER sentiment analysis tool included in NLTK.

Hutto, C.J. & Gilbert, E.E. (2014). VADER: A Parsimonious Rule-based Model for Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Text. Eighth International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-14). Ann Arbor, MI, June 2014.