Java MVC based game for the University of Waterloo.
#Information The player has to guess the secret word and has 10 chances to do so. Show Hints is recommended for first time players. More Information:
#Options Set Target: The target word can be set from the Menu (File)
New Game: File -> New Game Or press crtl+n after clicking File
Difficulty: The game includes 3 levels of difficulties (Easy, Medium, Hard or Any) This can be chosen from the Menu
Game Status: This tells you how many guesses are remaining It also tells you if the entered text is invalid
All Words: The All Words widget shows all of the possible words that the user can enter. Also as the user starts typing, it AutoCompletes and tries to find the word their were guessing.
Show Hints: This button will change the All Words list to only show the list of possible words, depending on previous successful guesses (Partial or exact). The Guesses Letters will show the colors green and yellow to show exactly what the partial/exact guesses were
Give Up/Victory Opens a new popup window
#Waterloo Students Do Not copy this code! As you will be caught. Do your research and try to learn on your own!