
Ignore helps you add GitHub-based .gitignore file to your local git repositories.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


ignore is a really simple CLI that helps you add GitHub-based .gitignore file to your local git repositories.

Getting started

You can download binaries for Linux, macOS (x86_64 and ARM_M1), and Windows, but I also intend to make it to be installed through some package managers as soon as possible.


Linux / macOS

Open the terminal and follow the steps:

# Step 1 - Download the binary
$ wget https://github.com/ajunior/ignore/releases/download/v0.1.0/ignore_macos_x86_64.zip

# Unzip
$ unzip ignore_macos_x64.zip

# Change permission
$ sudo chmod +x ignore

# Move it
$ sudo mv ignore /usr/local/bin

For Linux, download the ignore_linux_x64.zip file.


Download and unzip it to a folder named ignore into your user directory (for example, C:\Users\username\ignore), then add that directory into your path variable.

Building from source

Go through the following steps if you want to build it by yourself.

# Step 1 - Clone the git repository
$ git clone https://github.com/ajunior/ignore.git

# Step 2 - Change directory
$ cd ignore

# Step 3 - Build it
$ go build -o ignore src/*.go

# Step 4 - Move it
$ sudo mv ignore /usr/local/bin/

# Step 5 - Change permission
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ignore

If you are using Windows skip the steps 4 and 5 above. Instead, create a folder named ignore on your user directory (C:\Users\username\local), then move the executable and add that directory to your PATH.


After installation run ignore --version. If everything is ok you should see something like:

$ ignore --version
ignore v0.1.0 - https://github.com/ajunior/ignore


List the available templates

$ ignore --templates

Create a .gitignore file from the Java template

$ ignore --create /path/to/project/directory java

Create a .gitignore file from multiple templates

$ ignore --create /path/to/project/directory java go python
  • It combines every template you inputted into the .gitignore file separating them by a newline.
  • There's no limit of templates that can be added, so you can create a file with all available templates (but it makes no sense).


If you want to contribute for this project you should fork this repository, clone your fork and modify it, then commit your changes and send me a pull request, if it makes sense to the project I'll merge it.

For any questions, suggestions or report of bugs, please open an issue.


Version numbering follows the Semantic versioning approach.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.