
A hosts file to block ads on popular apps such as Pandora, Spotify, etc.

MIT LicenseMIT

Android Hosts File

A hosts file to block ads on popular apps such as Pandora, Spotify, etc.

So far after using this hosts file I have had 0 ads in Spotify. Before I was using multiple hosts sources but none of them seemed to have the right URLs to fully block Spotify ads.

To use this hosts file, you will need to root your device and install AdAway from the F-Droid repository.

The address you should use for the hosts file in AdAway / other Ad blockers is: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JasonD94/android-hosts/master/hosts.txt

The sources for this host file can be found here:

Other hosts files I use and recommend:

You can find a really good list on AdAway's GitHub wiki too.