
Distributed compilation system

Primary LanguageC++

About Wuild

Wuild (derived from "wild build") is a distributed compilation system, inspired by Distcc project. Main goals:

  • Cross-platform builds (for example, Linux guests and Windows hosts);
  • Simplicity;
  • Fast integration and usability.

Wuild is written in C++, using Ninja (https://github.com/ninja-build) as one of frontends.

Code structure and terminology

Platform directory contains platform core primitives to base on: sockets, threads, file utilities.
CompilerInterface declares CompilerInvocation and LocalExecutorTask.
Configs contains settings structures for other services.
ConfiguredApplication integrates utility options.
Main application logic contained in Modules directory:

  • LocalExecutor is lib for running tasks on local host based on Ninja's SubprocessSet;
  • InvocationRewriter splits tool invocation into preprocess and compilation;
  • RemoteToolServer executes compilator on a host, and recives tasks for such execution;
  • CoordinatorSever maintains list of RemoteToolServers;
  • RemoteToolClient sends compilation task to different ToolServers; ToolServers retrived from Coordinator;
  • CompilerProxyServer uses RemoteToolClient to send requests; it handles local tcp connection to recieve compiler invocations;
  • CompilerProxyClient acts as usual tool frontend; it sends invocation to ProxyServer, then outputs response to std out. Main application binaries holded in root directory.



  • Cmake (tested 3.6)
  • C++ compiler with C++14 and C++1z filesystem support (tested Gcc, Mingw 6.2 and Msvc 2015)
  • Or, as an alternative, Boost filesystem library and C++14 compiler.
  • System zlib is optional.


Just use cmake. If you wish, you could disable using system zlib using USE_SYSTEM_ZLIB=false cmake option.
If you need, you could set BOOST_INCLUDEDIR and BOOST_LIBRARYDIR variables to use Boost instead of std::filesystem. Installation is not ready yet, so you just get "Wuild*" binaries in cmake bin directory. Packaging is also unsupported.


Quick start on Linux:

Now we create one client and one server (coordinator+tool server) configuration: Suppose you have machine (or "client") running Linux and Gcc toolchaing, and machine (or "server") just the same configuration (but more CPU resources). Create "~/.Wuild/Wuild.ini" on each machine with these contents:

  • Client:
toolIds=gcc_cpp       ; comma-separated logical compiler names
gcc_cpp=/usr/bin/g++  ; comma-separated possible binaries names, first must be absolute

coordinatorHost=   ; ip or hostname
  • Server
toolIds=gcc_cpp          ; compiler names must be identical on client and server

listenPort=7767           ; this will be used to coordinate clients and tool server. 
                          ; for now, just use the same machine for tool server and coordinator.
threadCount=8            ; set host CPU's used for compilation
listenHost=    ; network ip or host name for incoming connections
listenPort=7765           ; should be different for coordinator's

Then setup autorunning of WuildToolServer and WuildCoordinator at Server. For testing, just start them in console.

You could see more example configurations in "ExampleConfigurations/" directory.

Running Wuild build

Let's start with Ninja integration (WuildNinja). Generate CMake -G 'Ninja' -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=/path/to/WuildNinja for some project, and run WuildNinja just as ninja (or cmake --build). If all done correctly, build will be distributed between tool servers.
If not, see "Thoubleshooting".

Running WuildProxy

Not all IDE supports Ninja. So we can integrate with make this way:

  • Setup [proxy] section in Wuild.ini;
  • Run WuildProxy;
  • Setup WuildProxyClient as cxx compiler, for exmaple, passing -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/path/to/WuildProxyClient to CMake;
  • Run make with higher number of threads, "-j 20", or even more.

Xcode integration is preliminary; it is supported only through ProxyClient. Create symlink to WuildProxyClient instead of clang++ in Xcode toolchains, or use dispatcher script which will pass all parameters to WuildProxyClient depending on some option.


  • Try to enable more verbose logs in Wuild config, adding "logLevel=6" in top of ini-file. logLevel=7 may be too verbose.
  • Try to call Ninja wuild frontend with -v -n arguments (verbose dry run). You should see preprocess and compile invocations separately.
  • Try to run different tests, e.g TestAllConfigs -c test.cpp -o test.o - it emulates gcc commandline interface, but distributes build.

Known issues

  • Precompiled headers unsupported;
  • /Zi for MSVC is unsupported, but workarounded switching to Z7 (it may be unexpected for someone);
  • serialize-diagnostics option is ignored;
  • ProxyServer tool server connection kept forever.

Road map

  • Ability to run without coordinator;
  • MSVC IDE integration;
  • Installer and packaging support;
  • Automatic detached start.


  • Thanks to "Ninja build system" project for fast frontentd;
  • Zlib and LZ4 libraries used for compression algorithms;
  • Special thanks to Peter Zhigalov (https://github.com/AlienCowEatCake) for the thorough alpha- and beta-testing;
  • Thanks to Movavi team for testing environment.


Copyright (C) 2017 Smirnov Vladimir mapron1@gmail.com
Source code licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 or in file

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.h