
Game programmed with phaser 3

Primary LanguageHTML

Project Phaser

WIP: going thru the Phaser 3 documentation and deciding on content and concept as I go along.

Enter npm install in your terminal To run server enter http-server in terminal


The platforms variable creates a new Static Physics Group In depth explaination of the different types of statics groups found in this link (https://phaser.io/tutorials/making-your-first-phaser-3-game/part4) a Group As their name implies are ways for you to group together similar objects and control them all as one single unit. You can also check for collision between Groups and other game objects. Groups are capable of creating their own Game Objects via handy helper functions like create. A Physics Group will automatically create physics enabled children, saving you some leg-work in the process. With our platform Group made we can now use it to create the platforms: