
Realtime shopping cart using Pusher

Primary LanguageJava


This web application shows you how to program a simple shopping cart in React with a Java backend, using Pusher to add realtime features. Follow the tutorial here.

The stack:

  • Java 8
  • Maven as the build manager
  • Spring Boot with Spring MVC as the server-side framework
  • React in the front-end

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository and cd into it.

  2. Replace the credentials in com.pusher.constants.PusherConstants.java with your own constants.

  3. In index.html set the constants in lines 39,40,41 to be your own.

  4. Start the application with one of the following commands (if you're using an IDE like Eclipse, just run the class com.pusher.ShoppingCartApplication):

    mvn spring-boot:run


    mvn package -DskipTests
    java -jar target/shopping-cart-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 
  5. Go to http://localhost:8080 and start playing with the app


Built With

  • Pusher - APIs to enable devs building realtime features
  • Maven - Dependency Management
  • Spring Boot - To create the Spring application


  • Thanks to Pusher for sponsoring this tutorial.
