
Mobilising the Specially-abled

Primary LanguageJava

thisAble - Mobilising the Specially-abled

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see, but in today’s rapidly growing world full of rush and chaos, no one bothers about anyone except themselves. The research on blind navigation system, conducted in 2007 stated that 49% of the visually impaired think that finding their way is the main difficulty in their trip, and 40% think that taking a bus is a herculean task. According to Indian Tourist Statistics 2015, the Number of Foreign Tourist arrivals in India is approximately 8.3 million while the CAGR is 4.5%. The year 2015 witnessed a growth of 11.63% in domestic tourist visits over 2014. According to the Census data of 2001, In-migrants count of Tamil Nadu was 270,473 from other sates. A majority of the tourists and migrants are not polyglots. Hence, the different languages spoken across India build up a communication gap for them, and they tend to face lots of problems, especially in navigation. Our project, thisAble aims to develop a bus detection system using RFID for the visually impaired, tourists and migrants and will be a revolutionary approach in overcoming such issues and will empower our target users thus making them self-reliant.