A repository for developing Stage 2 undergraduate teaching materials on research methods in psychology.
These materials were delivered for the first time in February 2020, as part of PSYC520.
RMIP builds on our exising Stage 1 materials here: https://github.com/ajwills72/rminr
It has the following directories
Various documents from the original approval of the module.
The contents of the web pages, delivered via Github Pages
A series of scripts to assist marking:
psycel/psycel-progress.R - Script to assist tracking of Psyc:EL performance (not used recently)
premoderation-2022.R - Analysis for premoderation meeting
pres-marks-2022.R - Calculation, upload, and distribution of group presentation marks
report-marking.R - Script to assist DLE allocation of markers to students for main report (not used recently).
report-marks-2022.R - Calculation and upload of final report marks (for PSYC520)
report-marks-720-2022.R - as above, but for PSYC720.
Files that support these scripts
ec-email.txt - Text of email informing student they did not attend their presentation.
ec-fail.txt - Test of email informing studen that the did not submit a presentation by the EC deadline.