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  1. Complete the debug part and IntList part of lab2.
  2. Finish lec4, expect exercise part.
  3. Additionally, I find that the guide is very useful, including the lecture note and exercise, which is enough for me to study with lecture and hw/lab/proj.
  4. At last, Efficiency! Lecture and exercise for understanding, hw/lab/proj for application, both are important.


  1. 今日计划
  2. 总结
    完成了lec4 ex和lec5的全部。lec4 ex花了2h,lec5听得很快1h内,但是ex花了2h+,一开始连题目都看不太懂,最后还是勉强看完他人解答。最后很累...


  1. Finished lec6 all.
  2. Completed GSS of proj0 and the previous parts.


  1. Finished lec7 all.
    It takes about 2h, 1h for lec, 1h for ex.
  2. Thought: Spend 1h to lab/hw/proj a day.
    If lab/hw/proj cannot follow the speed of lec, stop lec and do these first.


  1. Finished lec8 all. By the way, there is no ex.


  1. Completed CAA(Creating an Animation) in proj0 and the previous parts. Spend about 2h.


  1. Finished proj0! Spend about 2h.
  2. In fact, if I did it fast, it was not more than 1h, but i learn some other skills else.
  3. For example, I know the diifference between the VSCode and IDEA when they run the file today.
  4. If there is a class in somewhere, VSCode will use that.
    It could make a trouble when you modify your code and there is no change. So delete it.
    IDEA will make classes first, and then compile.
    You can use javac file.java in terminal and then compile file.class, it could work for VSCod.
    The simplilst way to run is that make sure there is no file.class, and run file.java in VSCode, it could work well with no class.
    You can creat a test dir to do it.


  1. Finished lab3! Spend about 2.5h.


  1. Finished proj1a! but with bug unfixed.
  2. Finished lec9.
  3. I would like to write some notes, to recap these lec in the future.
  4. Note
    Lec title: Extends, Casting, Higher Order Functions.
    That's enough. And that's all👀, I am too lazy to show examples, it's time wasted.
  5. Finished proj1b!
  6. Read proj1gold.


  1. Finished lec10! New level of abstrction! Interface is a brilliant idea!
  2. I need to upload proj1b, with interface and comparable and comparator.
  3. So think about the lab and proj during studying lec, after finishing lec, then do them.


  1. IMPORTANT CHANGE: I find that sp21 is better, so I turn to it.

  2. Finished lec11!

  3. NOTES

    Part 1 Lists and Sets in Java


    Part 2 Basic Arrayset


    Part 3 - exceptions

    throw new RuntimeException("For no reason.");

    Part 4 Iterable

    Class A implements Iterable {

    Class nestedAIterator implements Iterator{…}
    nestedAIterator Iterator(){…}

    Part 5 toString

    string+=… is a copy, waste time
    stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder("{")

    Part 6 ==, this, equals

    == compares box
    equals compares box in default, so override
    notice to null

    Part 7 Summary


    Part 8 EXTRA fancier to String and the of static

    new list --> list.add --> string.join
    public static < B > of< B >(B... item) {...} (because of static, cannot use < T >,so use < B > instead.)


  1. I plan to do the lab and proj today, but I feel more interst in lec now, so ..., lec.

  2. Finished lec12.

  3. Notes


    File I/O.

    Approach Comparison

    1,2,3: Commit ID (that goes up by 1) that includes the file.
    4: Date and time of file.
    5: git-SHA1 hash of file.

    Storing Commits using Serializable



  1. Today, I am going to FINISH proj1b & proj1gold in sp18 and lab3 & lab4 & lab5 & proj1 in sp21.

  2. Spent 2h and more in lab3, I am too slow...

  3. Notes

    Part1 runtime

    // Ns: size of the list
    // times: time of the process
    // opCounts: number of the process
    private static void printTimingTable(AList Ns, AList times, AList opCounts){}
    Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

    Part2 random test

    int operationNumber = StdRandom.uniform(0, 4);
    int randVal = StdRandom.uniform(0, 100);

    Part3 debug

    // Note: this expectation breakpoint should be used with condition to a breakpoint(Empirically).
    this instanceof java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException


  1. Today, I am going to finish proj1b and lab4. Going to spend 2h.

  2. Notes

    Part1 Merge Conflicts

    git pull
    then, select an option in editor.

    Part2 Detached HEAD States & Checking Out Code with Git

    git checkout < your cocmmit address >
    then, all the file will be the past one. And you can do something based on that. At last, you should add a new branch to keep it.

    Part3 a little difference between Integer and int

    public static boolean isSameNumber(Integer a, Integer b) {
    return a == b;
    int a = b = 128;
    isSameNumber(a, b) --> False

  3. proj1b
    Just review the code, get a deep understand of Interface and HoF.


  1. Finished lec13, Asymptotics I.

  2. Notes

    Part0 lec content

    Lecture 13: Introduction to Asymptotic Analysis
    ● Intuitive Runtime
    ● Detailed Analysis of Worst Case Order of Growth
    ● Simplified Analysis
    ● Big Theta Notation
    ● Big O Notation

    Part1 My logical thought

    physical time --> general --> worst --> Order of Growth(shape) --> represent --> theta & o.
    0.1s, ... --> 1 to n^2+2n, ... --> n^2+2n, ... --> n^2, ... --> n^2 --> theta(n^2) & O(n^2 or bigger).

  3. My thought about education: Chinese vs English
    ● English way of learning is presented above.
    ● Chinese way is like these:
    the definition of theta & o --> calc the codes' theta & o.
    ● Conlusion
    English way is from 0 to 1, can make you thought more deep.
    Chinese way is to teach you how to use tools, which is more efficient.
    Both of them have their own good.


  1. Going to finish lec14, Disjoint Sets.

  2. Finished lec14.

  3. Notes

    Part1 Lec Content

    Lecture 14: Disjoint Sets
    ● Dynamic Connectivity and the Disjoint Sets Problem
    ● Quick Find
    ● Quick Union
    ● Weighted Quick Union
    ● Path Compression (CS170 Preview)

    Part2 Quick Thought

    boxes and lines --> ListOfSets --> QuickFind(no head array) --> Quick Union(array tree) --> Weighted Quick Union(record the size in array head) --> WeightedQuickUnionDSWithPathCompression(do that while do this)

    Part3 Extension

    ● Naive: Record each line, I think node or matrix form to record it would be nice.
    ● Quick Union: Cool solution! But the worst situation is worse than the previus one.
    ● Weighted Quick Union: Why not heighted-QU? Ans: Almost same perfomance but complicated codes.
    ● Weighted Quick Union: Let’s consider the worst case where the tree height grows as fast as possible(nice thought) --> Find worst case tree height is Θ(log N).
    ● WeightedQuickUnionDSWithPathCompression(nice thought): On calls to connect and isConnected, set parent id to the root for all items seen.
    ● Implementation Runtime
    ListOfSetsDS O(NM)
    QuickFindDS Θ(NM)
    QuickUnionDS O(NM)
    WeightedQuickUnionDS O(N + M log N)
    WeightedQuickUnionDSWithPathCompression O(N + M α(N))
    (object of size N, perform M operations)


  1. Going to finish lec15, Asymptotics II.

  2. Finished lec15.

  3. Notes

    Part1 Lec Content

    Lecture 15: Asymptotics II: Analysis of Algorithms
    ● Review of Asymptotic Notation
    ● Examples 1-2: For Loops
    ● Example 3: A Basic Recurrence
    ● Example 4: Binary Search
    ● Example 5: Mergesort

    Part2 Quick Thought

    for for review(count and geomatric) --> for for(i=i*2)(A nice way: 0.5n < count < 2n) --> Recursion(3 ways) --> Binary Search(3 ways) --> Mergsort(theta(nlog2n))

    Part3 Extension

    ● C(N): Cost model, Count, Use array writes as cost model.
    ● Two tech: 1. Intuitive(Graph or easy way), 2. Use array writes as cost model.
    ● Recursion: 1. Intuitive(double the graph of recursion Tree), 2. C(N)(Count calls of fn, and just use formula), 3.C(N) = 2*(C(N-1)) + 1.
    ● Binary Search: 1. Intuitive 1 = N/2^C -> C = log(N), 2. Count exact C(N) = ⌊log(N)⌋+1 --> theta(logn) (= theta(log2n)), 3. C(N) = 1 + C((N-1)/2).
    ● Arbitrary Units(AU): Given that runtime is quadratic, for N = 64, we might say the runtime for selection sort is 4,096 arbitrary units of time.
    ● Sum: 1 + 2 + 3 … + N = theta(N^2) and 1 + 2 + 4 + … + N = theta(N).


  1. Going to finish lec16.

  2. Finished lec16.

  3. Notes

    Part1 Lec Content

    Lecture 16: ADTs and BSTs
    ● Abstract Data Types
    ● Binary Search Tree (intro)
    ● BST Definitions
    ● BST Operations
    ● Sets vs. Maps, Summary

    Part2 Quick Review

    Interface(is ADT)
    -->Choose best class implements Interface according to the problem(theta)
    -->Search Problem
    -->BST definition(Start with Search List, then step by step to build BST)
    -->BST operation
    -->Calc BST theta
    -->insert(Avoid ARMS LENGTH RECURSION)
    -->Improve BST according to set and map(In general, all of data is a set, with the ADT, we give it data structure, with theta, we make it better.)
    -->BST implements Set


  1. Going to finish proj1gold-sp18, chekc it in sp18.
  2. Finished proj1gold.
  3. Notes
    Part1 Quick review
    public void randomizedTest() {
    for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    int operationNumber = StdRandom.uniform(0, 4);
    if (operationNumber == 0) {
    Integer randVal = StdRandom.uniform(0, 100);
    output += "\naddFirst(" + randVal + ")";
    } else if{...}
    Part2 Thought
    ● I find that my movement is too slow!
    ● And I forget something I've learned. So have some review!
    ● Read the doc --> Do it --> Think over and over again --> or Don't know what it means --> check own notes or others' answer1. This is what I do now. Slow!
    ● Do it quickly. My goal is not to get it too deep, just know it at a balanced depth. So think and check answer.


  1. Going to finish proj1-sp21, do it quickly!

  2. Not Finished. Just Finished the basic part of it. Spent 2h.

  3. Notes

    Part1 Quick review

    ● Move Deque/ArrayDeque/LLDeque.java to the deque.dir and change sth to fit environment.
    ● Test LLDeque, then success.
    ● Based on LLDTest, build ADTest with randomTest, randomTest failed. And it hard to find the bug! Out of length or lenth is -1.

    Part2 Thought

    ● Vs sp18, the thought of sp21 is similar to it, and autograder in sp21 like proj1gold in sp18.
    ● At the first timeI did the proj1b-sp18(abcba, HoF), I even don't know what interface means, and i can finish the proj, so review is important!
    ● I should review max/equal part and iterator part and all the previous part.
    ● How to find bug... debug/check answer and compare. It's an improtant topic.


  1. Going to Finish lec17.


  1. IMPORTANT CHANGE: I find that Obsidian is nice, so I turn to it in local. Here's the link
  2. Simple schedule will be upload here.