- PHP5
- Slim 3
- Monolog
- Twig
- PHP Renderer
- PHPMailer & SendMail
- Download the repository and install all the above dependencies for the folder sep.
- Set Document Root of your server to be
- Import fulldb.sql found at
in a MySQL database. Name it LMS. - Enter your MySQL username and password in the database configuration file. It's named config.php and can be found at sep/src/db_stuff.
- Edit the file mail configuration file located at sep/src/_mail__. It's also named config.php. Fill in your email account details where you wish to send notifications from.
- There are a few dummy accounts already created to get you started.
- ADMIN ACCOUNT => username : admin@lps.iiti.ac.in, password : admin
- SAMPLE RECOMMENDING AUTHORITY ACCOUNT => username : recommender@lps.iiti.ac.in, password: recommender
- SAMPLE APPROVING AUTHORITY ACCOUNT => username : approver@lps.iiti.ac.in, password: approver
- SAMPLE GENERAL USER ACCOUNT => username : user@lps.iiti.ac.in, password: testuser