npm install lunch-money
The NPM module also makes types available to TypeScript.
import LunchMoney, { Asset } from 'lunch-money';
const lunchMoney = new LunchMoney( { token: 'my-api-token' } );
lunchMoney.getAssets().then( ( assets: Asset[] ) => {
console.log( assets )
} ).catch ( error => {
console.error( error );
} );
Or, if you are using ESM:
import {LunchMoney} from 'lunch-money'
const lunchMoney = new LunchMoney( { token: 'my-api-token' } );
const assets = await lunchMoney.getAssets();
Get all assets (manually managed accounts):
LunchMoney.getAssets() : Promise<Asset>
Get all transactions:
LunchMoney.getTransactions( arguments?: TransactionsEndpointArguments ) : Promise<Transaction[]>
Create transactions
transactions: DraftTransaction[],
applyRules = false,
checkForRecurring = false,
debitAsNegative = false
) : Promise<any>
There are many open source projects with example code you can use to quickly build your integration: