
📦 migrate everything from one mixpanel project... to another

Primary LanguageJavaScript


NOTE: this package is now deprecated;

i will leave this up for posterity, but it is no longer maintained.


mpMigrate is a command-line ETL script in Node.js that provides one-time mixpanel project migrations. watch the demo to see it in action.


the simplest way to get started is to use the CLI; from your shell

npx --yes mp-migrate@latest

(requires node.js v16.x)

the cli wizard will walk you through your migration. logs are stashed in ./savedProjects/<project name>


this utility can copy most saved entities in any mixpanel project including:

  • events
  • user profiles
  • schemas (lexicon)
  • dashboards (and layouts)
    • saved reports
    • text and media cards
  • custom events
  • custom properties

you will authenticate using service accounts or a bearer token.

the script will copy JSON payloads from saved entities in a source project to and create those as new entities in a target project.

there are a number of use-cases for this script including:

  • merging projects in separate platforms (web, android, iOS) together into a common project
  • fixing immutable event data with light transformations
  • sending a single dashboard (or selection of dashboards) from an old to new project
  • auditing an existing project's saved entities
  • "Starting Over" without losing your work.

this software can be run as a CLI (using environment variables) or implemented as a native module in code. It can also be used to delete all saved entities in a project

currently not supported:

  • identity resolution (mapping anon_ids to known_ids)
  • nested saved entities (e.g. cohorts within cohorts)
  • unsaved custom properties
  • copying data views + settings
  • user invites
  • session/group keys/timezone and other global project settings
  • saved entity permissions (defaults to global access to all users)


to use mp-migrate you will need to provide authentication details so that it can access your mixpanel project. two methods of authentication are supported:

bearer tokens are JSON of the form:

{"token": "my-temporary-bearer-token"}

your bearer token uniquely identifies your user account in a particular project ... these values are rotated at a regular interval. when using your bearer token, only include the string value of the token key ("my-temporary-bearer-token" in the example above).

when using service accounts, reports that are created will be "created by" the service account. when using bearer tokens, reports that are created will be "created by" you.

as a best practice:

storing credentials

if you do not wish to entire your credentials each time, you can (optionally) create a .env credentials file in your current working directory, which the script will then use for auth details:

echo "SOURCE_ACCT = '' 

TARGET_REGION = ''" > .env

none of these params are required ... if a value is empty, the CLI will prompt you for a value

  • if using .env, edit your SOURCE and TARGET environment variables according to this table:
VAR default notes
SOURCE_ACCT --- the service account of your SOURCE project
SOURCE_PASS --- the service account secret of your SOURCE project
SOURCE_BEARER --- the bearer token (if applicable) for your SOURCE project
SOURCE_PROJECT --- the SOURCE's project_id
SOURCE_DATE_START TODAY optional: if copying events - when to start MM-DD-YYYY
SOURCE_DATE_END TODAY optional: if copying events - when to end MM-DD-YYYY
SOURCE_DASH_ID --- optional: a dashboard_id (or comma sep list of dashboard_ids) for coping a subset of dashboards
TARGET_ACCT --- the service account of your TARGET project
TARGET_PASS --- the service account secret of your TARGET project
SOURCE_BEARER --- the bearer token (if applicable) for your TARGET project
TARGET_PROJECT --- the TARGET project id

(note: service account and bearer token authentication options are mutually exclusive; if you provide both the bearer token will be used)


mpMigrate Demo


you can also use mpMigrate within an existing script; this allows you to specify more options in code, and skip the prompts.

$ npm i mp-migrate


const mpMigrate = require('mp-migrate')

and finally

let source = {
	// choose service acct + pass or bearer
	acct: `{{ service acct }}`,
	pass: `{{ service secret }}`,
	bearer: `{{ bearer token}}`,
	project: 12345,
	region: "US", //default 'US'

	dash_id: ['12345', '67890'] //list of dashboards to copy
	start: "04-20-2022", //date of first event	
	end: "04-201-2022" //date of last event
let target = {
	// choose service acct + pass or bearer
	acct: `{{ service acct }}`,
	pass: `{{ service secret }}`,
	bearer: `{{ bearer token}}`,
	project: 67890,
	region: "EU"

//copy project 12345 to project 67890
const migrateProjects = await mpMigrate(source, target)

specifying options

you can pass a third options object to the module; these are all the default values:

let options = {
	// will be called on every event
	transformEventsFunc: x => x, 

	// will be called on every profile
	transformProfilesFunc: x => x, 

	//generate a summary of the source project?
	shouldGenerateSummary: true, 

	//copy events from source to target?
	shouldCopyEvents: false, 

	//copy schema (lexicon) from source to target?
	shouldCopySchema: false, 

	//copy user profiles from source to target?
	shouldCopyProfiles: false, 

	//copy saved entities from source to target?
	shouldCopyEntities: false, 
	//if true, will not print console messages
	silent: false, 

	//if true, will skip the confirmation prompt... use at own risk!
	skipPrompt: false 

const migrateProjects = await mpMigrate(source, target, options)

deleting entities

you can also use the mp-migrate package to delete saved entities in an existing project... but please be careful; this is irreversible.

⚠️ use with caution ⚠️

const { entityDelete } =  require('mp-migrate')
let target = {
	acct: `{{ service acct }}`,
	pass: `{{ service secret }}`,
	bearer: `{{ bearer token }}`
	project: 12345,
	region: `US`
let result = await entityDelete(target)

i'm serious... there's no way to undo this. unfortunately this will not not delete events or profiles in the project.