
Collection of scheme libraries and snippets, mostly experimenting with Chez or R6RS in general.

Primary LanguageScheme

Lyonesse - collection of modules for (Chez) scheme

This repository now contains these modules:

  • testing
  • munsch: a numeric library for R6RS scheme. The name is a contraction of Num-eric Sch-eme, with Num reversed, because we schemers like to.
  • yasos
  • parsing: currently parses XML, it is trivial to add json, cson, and other formats.
  • streams: srfi-41 verbatim.
  • match: Pattern matching by Dan Friedman, Erik Hilsdale and Kent Dybvig; verbatim.
  • record-with-context: add context management to R6 records, access elements with with-<record>, and update elements (by copy) with update-<record>.
  • cut: srfi-26 verbatim.


A R6RS compatible scheme with a decent set of SRFIs installed; I'm currently using Chez (http://github.com/cisco/chezscheme). Tests also run successfully on Racket. To have them run on Guile, I needed to change '(srfi :48)' into '(ice-9 format)' and it doesn't parse R6RS strings correctly.


  • Talking to Gtk3 libraries

Munsch - Numeric Scheme

Munsch is designed to do fast numerical array routines in a flexible way and semantic way. I'm currently developing it to interact with OpenGL functions.


  • Complete R6RS compliance, based on bytearrays
  • Support for extensive slicing and dicing of numeric arrays
  • Support for linear algebra
  • Support for geometry

The basis for Munsch is bytearrays, on top of which we have a record-types called f32vector and f32array (only single precesion for the moment). The vector type contains a contiguous block of memory, being a simple wrapper around bytevector. The f32array type contains slicing information in addition to a reference to the raw data. A slice contains information on offset, stride, shape and total size of the array. To perform slicing operations on an array I have defined the f32array-cut syntax.

To perform linear algebra, I defined matrix and vector types for which some of the well known operations on matrices are defined. These use f32vector to store their memory, and are always contiguous. This is so that we can pass them to OpenGL routines, but also applications using FFI to LAPACK or GSL come to mind.

Next, on top of the linear algebra we can define a vector type that specialises in geometry operations. This is to provide semantics for vertices, vectors, polygons etc.


Apache 2.0