
single cycle mips implementation with systemverilog

Primary LanguageSystemVerilog




  • 8 instractions has been implemented and tested release link v0.8
  • doc for them doc.pdf
instractions jr jal bne andi srl lh lb lbu


  • merging 8 instractions from team2 v0.16
instractions sll lui slti blez srlv ori xori jr

instractions progress

weak 1

state isntraction team # comment doc
jr 1 jr__lbu.md
jal 1
bne 1 already implemented
andi 1 andi.md
srl 1 srl.md
lh 1 lb___lh.md
lb 1 lb___lh.md
lbu 1 jr__lbu.md
sll 2
lui 2
slti 2
blez 2
srlv 2
ori 2
xori 2
jr 2 duplicated

weak 2

state isntraction team # comment doc
addiu 1 identical to addi
sh 1
sb 1
sra 1
sllv 1
divu 1
mult 1
subu 1
bgtz 2
lhu 2
sllv 2 duplicate
srav 2
sltiu 2
xori 2
jalr 2


  • reduce mux2 count in datapath
  • try to implement the processor according to mips release 6
  • and headings for this doc
  • find general way for testing
  • make schmatic for all instractions