
this is my i3 setup I'm using right now and probably for a long time it's intended to work with "not against" gnome system

Primary LanguageShell

My productivity i3-wm setup


This is my custom i3, Polybar, gnome-terminal, and Compton setup designed for Ubuntu users "like myself" but will work anywhere for sure with some tweaks it was made to be a simple I3 with no fancy visual destructions everything is just tidy and in it's own place (imo)




Getting started:

I've used

we can follow each one's manual to install them or you can just run install.sh (Tested on PopOs 19 virtual machine) make sure that all the repo's files are in the same directory git will do that for you


As mentioned above you can install each one of these packages manually or you can just follow this:

Ubuntu Users:

sudo ./install.sh <your-wallpaper-path>


Comment out aptitude's lines then install i3, polybar, compton, gnome-terminal


sudo ./install.sh <your-wallpaper-path>

Optional: you can load my gnome-terminal profile using dconf refering to this gist

Optional: for those who use multible keyboard layouts in my case arabic + english you can execute this command

echo "exec_always setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout us,ar -option <your-toggle-method>" >> $HOME/.config/i3/config

where your toggle method can be

Option Description
grp:lswitch Left Alt (while pressed)
grp:lwin_switch Left Win (while pressed)
grp:rwin_switch Left Win (while pressed)
grp:win_switch Any Win (while pressed)
grp:menu_switch Menu (while pressed), Shift+Menu for Menu
grp:caps_switch Caps Lock (while pressed), Alt+Caps Lock for the original Caps Lock action
grp:rctrl_switch Right Ctrl (while pressed)
grp:toggle Right Alt
grp:lalt_toggle Left Alt
grp:caps_toggle Caps Lock
grp:shift_caps_toggle Shift+Caps Lock
grp:shift_caps_switch Caps Lock to first layout; Shift+Caps Lock to last layout
grp:win_menu_switch Left Win to first layout; Right Win/Menu to last layout
grp:lctrl_rctrl_switch Left Ctrl to first layout; Right Ctrl to last layout
grp:alt_caps_toggle Alt+Caps Lock
grp:shifts_toggle Both Shift together
grp:alts_toggle Both Alt together
grp:ctrls_toggle Both Ctrl together
grp:ctrl_shift_toggle Ctrl+Shift
grp:lctrl_lshift_toggle Left Ctrl+Left Shift
grp:rctrl_rshift_toggle Right Ctrl+Right Shift
grp:ctrl_alt_toggle Alt+Ctrl
grp:alt_shift_toggle Alt+Shift
grp:lalt_lshift_toggle Left Alt+Left Shift
grp:alt_space_toggle Alt+Space
grp:menu_toggle Menu
grp:lwin_toggle Left Win
grp:win_space_toggle Win+Space
grp:rwin_toggle Right Win
grp:lshift_toggle Left Shift
grp:rshift_toggle Right Shift
grp:lctrl_toggle Left Ctrl
grp:rctrl_toggle Right Ctrl
grp:sclk_toggle Scroll Lock
grp:lctrl_lwin_rctrl_menu Left Ctrl+Left Win to first layout; Right Ctrl+Menu to second layout
grp:lctrl_lwin_toggle Left Ctrl+Left Win

Thanks for passing by, any contribution or suggestions except gaps or transparencies (remember it was made for productivity at the first place with no visual destruction (terminal is ok more than that is too much for me) ) are more than welcomed.