This is a desktop and command line program for annotating draft bacterial and viral genomes. It may also be used for quickly detecting arbitrary sequences such as antibiotic resistance genes (AMR) proteins in nucleotide sequences. It uses Blast to find hits to known gene sequences from sequence databases. The inputs are fasta files. Annotation is performed in a similar manner to Prokka and first requires an assembled genome if you have sequenced reads. The program is written in Python.
From the command line:
pygenefinder -p <path-to-fasta-files> -d <database>
pygenefinder -f <filename> -d <database>
This program utilises the sequence databases compiled by abricate. Possible database names:
- card
- resfinder
- arg-annot
- resfinder
- ncbi
- ecoh
You can also use a graphical application. It can be launched from the terminal using:
There is a self-contained graphical application for windows users (see below).
All operating systems with Python (>=3.6 recommended) installed:
pip install pygenefinder
You require ncbi-blast+ tools and clustalw for basic gene finding. The following programs are used for genome annotation:
- prodigal
- hmmer3
- aragorn
These can all be installed on Debian/Ubuntu based systems using:
apt install ncbi-blast+ clustal prodigal aragorn hmmer
Most windows users will probably want to use the bundled graphical application. Download here. Just unzip to a folder and launch the program pygenefinder.exe.
This has all the dependencies bundled with the program.