The goal of this project is to use computer vision to automatically segment debris and ice glaciers from satellite images
🐍 Python3.6
- addict==2.2.1
- Cython==0.29.15
- GDAL==2.1.3
- joblib==0.14.1
- numpy==1.18.1
- pandas==0.25.3
- Pillow-SIMD==7.0.0.post3
- python-dateutil==2.8.1
- pytz==2019.3
- PyYAML==5.3
- six==1.14.0
- torch==1.4.0
- torchvision==0.5.0
Raw training data are 7000x7000px 12 channel sentinel-2 tiff images from the Hindu-Kush-Himalayan region. We consider the region of Bhutan and Nepal. Shapefile labels of the glaciers are provided by ICIMOD
- Slicing: We slice the 7000x7000 input tiffs into 512x512 tiles. The resulting tiles along with corresponding shapefile labels are stored. Metadata of the slices are stored in a geojson file"
To slice,run: python3 src/
- Transformation: For easy processing, we convert the input image and labels into multi-dimensional numpy
files. - Masking: The input shapefiles are transformed into masks. The masks are needed for use as labels. This involves transforming the label as multi-channel images with each channel representing a label class ie. 0 - Glacier, 1 debris etc
To run transformation and masking:
python3 src/
Filtering: Returns the paths for pairs passing the filter criteria for a specific channel. Here we filter by the percentage of 1's in the filter channel.
Random Split: The final dataset is saved in three folders:
train/ test/ dev/
Reshuffle: Shuffle the images and masks in the output directory
Generate stats: Generate statistics of the input image channels: returns a dictionary with keys for means and standard deviations accross the channels in input images.
Normalization: We normalize the final dataset based on the means and standard deviations calclualted.
Imputation: Given and input, we check for missing values (NaNs) and replace with 0
To Run all PostProcessing:
python3 -m --slice_dir=/path_to_glacier_slices/ --slice_meta=/path_to_slice_metadata.geojson
Model: Unet
To train:
Labels : ICIMOD
(2000, Nepal): Polygons older/newer than 2 years from 2000 are filtered out. Original collection contains few polygons from 1990s
(2000, Bhutan): Used as it's
(2010, Nepal): Polygons older/newer than 2 years from 2010 are filtered out. Original collection is for 1980-2010
(2010, Bhutan): Used as it's
Test Data:
- Dudh Koshi sub basin (provided directly from ICIMOD)