
Collect simple coverage information in memory.

Primary LanguageC++

Quickly allow you to monitor/control in-memory coverage for your C++-implemented-Python-binded libraries.

This version is designed for running memcov in Python multiprocessing package. Because processes don't share memory, so this version settles it by saving and loading coverage information in processes.

How to use this repository to track Apache TVM's coverage?

  1. Download memcov by git clone https://github.com/ak47werttyydd/memcov.git
  2. Setting building requirements for installing TVM, please referring to https://tvm.apache.org/docs/install/from_source.html
  3. Download tzer by git clone https://github.com/ise-uiuc/tzer.git. Follow tzer/tvm_cov_patch/build_tvm.sh[https://github.com/ise-uiuc/tzer/blob/main/tvm_cov_patch/build_tvm.sh] to build TVM with coverage tracing until complete the 10th line image
  4. rewrite path_to_your/tvm/cmake/modules/contrib/Memcov.cmake as
     #Please enter Path to your local memcov (where you git clone this memcov)
     set(memcov_SOURCE_DIR "path/to/local/memcov")
     #The Following Codes Don't Have to Modify
     # Add the local memcov directory to the build
     add_subdirectory(${memcov_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/memcov)
     # Append memcov to the linker libraries
     list(APPEND TVM_LINKER_LIBS memcov)

endif() 5. modify python interface at path_to_your/tvm/python/tvm/contrib/coverage.py as the following Python interface (scroll down and you can find it) 6. Proceed with line 11th in tzer/tvm_cov_patch/build_tvm.sh[https://github.com/ise-uiuc/tzer/blob/main/tvm_cov_patch/build_tvm.sh] to build Apache TVM until line 23th 7. Write your Python Script to compile and run models on Apache TVM. Using multiprocessing to raise a process to compile and run a model

from tvm.contrib import coverage

print(coverage.get_now()) # Current visited # of CFG edges
print(coverage.get_total()) # Total number of # of CFG edges

def run_and_compile_a_model():

    coverage.push() # store current coverage snapshot to a stack and reset it to empty (useful for multi-process scenario)

    '''compile and run model ....'''

    coverage.pop() # merge previous coverage with current coverage

    '''Then save coverage information by the following code'''
    print("------------serialize_mem_coverage start-----------------")
    size = ctypes.c_size_t()  # creates an instance of ctypes.c_size_t to accept size of serialized_coverage
    serialized_coverage_ptr=coverage.serialize_mem_coverage(ctypes.byref(size)) #get serizlized_coverage's pointer and size
    serialized_coverage=ctypes.string_at(serialized_coverage_ptr,size.value) #convert to python bytes
    print("------------serialized_coverage get!----------------")
    #please modify the following code to save serialized_coverage to your local file
    filename=os.path.join(current_dir,"mem_coverage.bin") #write serialized coverage into current directory with name "mem_coverage.bin"
    with open(filename, 'wb') as file:
    print("------------serialize_mem_coverage finish-----------------")

while model in models:

    '''raise a process to run_and_compile_a_model(model,other_arguments)'''

    '''Until finishing previous process, Load coverage information in the previous process by the following code'''
    print("------------deserialize_mem_coverage start-----------------")
        current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        filename = os.path.join(current_dir, "mem_coverage.bin")
        # print("serialized_coverage is ",serialized_coverage) #read done
        serialized_coverage_ptr = ( ctypes.c_uint8 * len(serialized_coverage) ).from_buffer_copy(serialized_coverage) #create an array from python bytes' object
        print("------------deserialize_mem_coverage finish-----------------")

[Python] Add Interface to Operate/Monitor Coverage

from tvm._ffi.base import _LIB
import ctypes

# Because `tvm.contrib.coverage.now` relies on tvm's registry function, so after 
# calling `reset`, the coverage will not be ZERO (but very small, e.g., 6).
reset = _LIB.mcov_reset

push = _LIB.mcov_push_coverage
pop = _LIB.mcov_pop_coverage

get_total = _LIB.mcov_get_total
get_now = _LIB.mcov_get_now

set_now = _LIB.mcov_set_now

'''saving mem_coverage of a process and reload the mem_coverage across processes'''
#save (or serialize) mem_coverage
_LIB.serialize_mem_coverage.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8) #match the return type uint8*
_LIB.serialize_mem_coverage.argtypes = [ ctypes.POINTER( ctypes.c_size_t ) ] #math arguments type size_t*
serialize_mem_coverage = _LIB.serialize_mem_coverage

#in your Python script where compiling and running model on Apache TVM, put the following code at the end of a process
    from tvm.contrib import coverage
    print("------------serialize_mem_coverage start-----------------")
    size = ctypes.c_size_t()  # creates an instance of ctypes.c_size_t to accept size of serialized_coverage
    serialized_coverage_ptr=coverage.serialize_mem_coverage(ctypes.byref(size)) #get serizlized_coverage's pointer and size
    serialized_coverage=ctypes.string_at(serialized_coverage_ptr,size.value) #convert to python bytes
    print("------------serialized_coverage get!----------------")
    #please modify the following code to save serialized_coverage to your local file
    filename=os.path.join(current_dir,"mem_coverage.bin") #write serialized coverage into current directory with name "mem_coverage.bin"
    with open(filename, 'wb') as file:
    print("------------serialize_mem_coverage finish-----------------")

#load the serialized_coverage to mem_coverage
deserialize_mem_coverage = _LIB.deserialize_mem_coverage
deserialize_mem_coverage.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8), ctypes.c_size_t]
deserialize_mem_coverage.restype = None

#in your Python script where compiling and running model on Apache TVM, put the following code after finishing a previous process or at the beginning of a new process
        from tvm.contrib import coverage
        print("------------deserialize_mem_coverage start-----------------")
        #please modify the following code to load serialized_coverage from the local file "mem_coverage.bin"
        current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        filename = os.path.join(current_dir, "mem_coverage.bin")
        with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
            serialized_coverage = file.read()
        # print("serialized_coverage is ",serialized_coverage) #read done
        serialized_coverage_ptr = ( ctypes.c_uint8 * len(serialized_coverage) ).from_buffer_copy(serialized_coverage) #create an array from python bytes' object
        print("------------deserialize_mem_coverage finish-----------------")

_char_array = ctypes.c_char * get_total()

def get_hitmap():
    hitmap_buffer = bytearray(get_total())
    return hitmap_buffer

def set_hitmap(data):
    assert len(data) == get_total()