Modify specific features of Next Gen mParivahan Google Play App
input is vehicle number and output is detailed information in json
- Find Api Endpoints: Login/Token- API end Point
- SMS/OTP- API end point
- API end points for Vehicle information
- Automate information collection with script(python/bash)
- Successful Deployment of the script on AWS cloud
- How many request it can take at any moment of time.
- If any other information it should also be pass
- All data to be shared in json
- error code t be defined
this is the requirements what have to be modified to current project.
- timeline is 2 weeks from now. so it has to be completed until 3/15.
- Project Description. You have to be download the .apk file of source file and reverse it and add mentioned features to the App. Or modifiy mentioned features of App.