
Modify specific features of Next Gen mParivahan Google Play App

Primary LanguageJava


Modify specific features of Next Gen mParivahan Google Play App

Source File Url



input is vehicle number and output is detailed information in json

  1. Find Api Endpoints: Login/Token- API end Point
  2. SMS/OTP- API end point
  3. API end points for Vehicle information
  4. Automate information collection with script(python/bash)
  5. Successful Deployment of the script on AWS cloud
  6. How many request it can take at any moment of time.
  7. If any other information it should also be pass
  8. All data to be shared in json
  9. error code t be defined

this is the requirements what have to be modified to current project.

Timeline & Project Description

  • timeline is 2 weeks from now. so it has to be completed until 3/15.
  • Project Description. You have to be download the .apk file of source file and reverse it and add mentioned features to the App. Or modifiy mentioned features of App.