
42-cursus workspace, actually used for pushin' stuff!

Primary LanguageC

Hi theređź‘‹

Welcome to my 42 cursus repo, I will use it mainly as a workspace, so I will upload it whenever I need it, enjoy!


Piscine   - all the projects done at "la piscine" in 42 Roma Luiss (3 weeks);
Libft     - graded with 112/115;
ft_Printf - grade with 103;
ft_server - graded with 100, autoindex script included;
netwhat   - graded with 100;
Cub3d     - graded with 115;
Minitalk  - graded with 115/125, unicode bonus included;
Push_swap - graded with 84/100, no checker;
Philosophers - graded with 100 without bonus;
Minishell - graded with 100/100 without bonus;
C++ modules - in progress;

jaeskim's 42 stats